Congratulations on becoming TB. For now do the GM'S Gauntlet, explore it if you can.
Seems like odd advice for you to be giving out...
The rewards certainly haven't gotten better in the last 6 months.
OP, focus story content. Push until you get stuck, then circle back to for exploration (Act 7 and up). You can do EQ as well, but progressing toward Paragon is more valuable.
Don't do Grandmasters gauntlet, the rewards are meaningless now. Do all the story content, but don't explore act 7. Explore act 8 and 9, and do Crucible and Epoch.
The rewards certainly haven't gotten better in the last 6 months.
OP, focus story content. Push until you get stuck, then circle back to for exploration (Act 7 and up). You can do EQ as well, but progressing toward Paragon is more valuable.