Jokes aside he’s a valuable questing champ with a bunch of niche uses and really good damage. You have to play him a bit risky due to his self damage mechanic but if things go well his sustainability is pretty infinite. He is quite possibly the worst battlegrounds champion in the game though unfortunately.
How many R3s do you have though? I'm guessing it's more than 20? Isn't the issue more about which champs are deserving of limited rank-up resources? Because someone with unlimited resources can always chime in with, "I have him at R3 and he's fun and can be useful in certain scenarios."
I’m actually sitting at 10 right now, he was my fourth.
@Crcrcrc just testing him out now… why is he damaging himself? I don’t have suicides turned on…..
part of his kit
He would be herc level if he didn’t damage himself.
Think about it, it’s easier to get his charges, he hits hard, and has immortality. And regens after immortality is over.
they couldn’t make him so op I guess, but he’s nerfed herc as a 7*
So I guess I pulled a great 7 star?
overall he’s cool, I don’t see much use for him anywhere in the game at all, whether it’s paragon progression or valiant
Jokes aside he’s a valuable questing champ with a bunch of niche uses and really good damage. You have to play him a bit risky due to his self damage mechanic but if things go well his sustainability is pretty infinite. He is quite possibly the worst battlegrounds champion in the game though unfortunately.
Damn.. i feel bad for you. Thats the worst rank up in the game. I hope kabam gives him a buff soon.
Jokes aside he’s a valuable questing champ with a bunch of niche uses and really good damage. You have to play him a bit risky due to his self damage mechanic but if things go well his sustainability is pretty infinite. He is quite possibly the worst battlegrounds champion in the game though unfortunately.
Damn.. i feel bad for you. Thats the worst rank up in the game. I hope kabam gives him a buff soon.
Nah, I was testing him for over an hour now. He’s strong. I’m really happy I pulled him
Because he does have immortality (lol) not as longer as Hercules, but maybe with more sigs will be.
I will try as defender.
But Hulk is the best one with Stun root 😈