How many sigs does Prowler needs?

Amanda_CruzeAmanda_Cruze Member Posts: 325 ★★
edited February 24 in General Discussion
6 star Prowler
I have tech AG

How many sigs does Prowler needs? 48 votes

Sig 1
Sig 100
Dtl7714RainbringerEquintsdestroy456Ragnaruk5178 5 votes
Sig 200
DrZolaJerryJiverKerneasLogan00LPtheArtist_666PikoluSupervlinderC19h28o2CloudVIIStrifeSpadeHunterAykut387captain_rogersHassamaMamaPRIMUUSStupid91JJBoy19Adri5846SmokegunRicoShayChiefGoat 43 votes


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    edited February 24
    He's definitely worth Awakening, but you won't see much difference between Sig 1 and Sig 150. From 150-200, his damage improves substantially.

    Take a look at the statistics in this thread for more details:
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 956 ★★★★
    Sig 200
    Mine is only sig 100, and he's really good. He does need 200 to get more damage, but all of the utility is there unawakened or low sig.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    someone made an aMAzing point in a thread regarding Prowler and relics; a solid Sentinel Relic extending his incinerates is a huge boost until/ unless you get up there in sigs. heck, his output is reliable unawakened, just not as jaw dropping?

    to confirm prior, from awakening to sig 100 is real close, and the real upturn is rounding 150 to 200.

    per the (not updated since June last, but we love you dude!)

    … and from Konshu’s Ankh:

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