Proposal of changes

Frumpy_geezerFrumpy_geezer Member Posts: 123
First off TLDR brought to you by AI:
This forum post criticizes the game's use of "AI," suggesting "Defender" is more accurate, and calls for better communication from developers. It highlights issues with outdated rewards, stale content, and a perceived disconnect between developers and players. The author proposes more frequent, smaller content updates, affordable microtransactions, and content that respects players' time constraints, like the Crucible. They emphasize the need for developer transparency and community feedback to avoid missteps. Finally, they suggest a simple practice mode with high-HP targets for players to test champion rotations.

Now for the juicy bits...

To all Forum posters:
If you call it AI then people will think it learns, it's an algorithm that reacts based on user inputs and nodes and difficulty. I for one would really appreciate if we could call it "Defender" instead of AI. It creates confusion. Here's a nice link that helps and I'll leave that here.

To Kabam:
There have been a lot of posts about outdated rewards and you have yourselves said you are revamping it in some aspects. There have been discussions on boring/stale/outdated content and you have also commented on it also. I think that the main issue here is not the issues discussed but the lack of communication about them. We wait a whole month between live streams and they often don't hit the points the people here want to know. I think even some teasers about what's to come will help. We get you can't tell us real good details but give us something. And then you can get feedback before you put out something that possibly will fail, like the Sigil thing. You changed it, it was a miss, you then had to spend on labor to change it. Had you shared the proposed changes with your channels (or even some) you would have found out beforehand that it wouldn't work. You also could have gotten some hype on it because the community contributed and they thought it was worth it. (I am not a Sigil user either)

There's been some discussion from or about whales not wanting to spend anymore. I doubt the truth in a lot of people claiming to be such but there have been some interesting points made and some claiming to be whales that don't want to spend anymore. Bringing back the rewards from earlier you say that it affects the game economy and I understand that. What I think you should work on is the economy part. I'm an average Joe and don't like to spend money on anything that I don't NEED. But I buy the pass occasionally (BRB and Dazzler) and spent a little on banquet (which I won't do again). You need to put a little focus on less priced content. If you put a 7* Kamala for $2 I bet you'd make a lot of money, not units but actual dollars. You wouldn't break anything and you'd make one forum user very happy. And if she gets buffed later on, still won't hurt anything. There are probably a long list of champs you could do this for to actually generate some income. And potion bundles, most people farm units to get through content, but if you offered the potion/revive bundle for $2/3 once a week, you would make ACTUAL MONEY. Most of your players are like me and do not want to spend. I will NEVER buy an Odin chest. If the content is something I can't get past then I will wait or just never do it. But if I could spend a few dollars to finish something or even just have the piece of mind to do it, then I would. If you improve your economy then you can improve the game economy at the same time and please the masses and won't disrupt the whales from whaling.

Content is another thing. I think taking away the daily tasks for the super event was a great decision, but now players are feeling bored because they don't have something to do daily. The weekly events take 30 minutes to complete. The monthly events can almost be auto played for a lot of people and aren't worth it. I haven't done this months EQ and am not alone. This thread showed me that. The Crucible is the hugest W for me in the last few years. Something I can do in my own time without locking out my champs is great for people with work and families. I haven't completed Epoch yet because I refuse to not solo a fight that I know I can because in the middle of it my kid needs something, my wife asks me a dumb question that has to be answered, or the puppy craps in the floor and everyone freaks out. Same reason I haven't done Necro yet, I don't have hours or even several minutes, ever, that don't go uninterrupted throughout the day (same reason I don't like battlegrounds but I won't touch that). So, I don't have a suggestion there but there needs to be something meaningful that isn't battlegrounds and isn't an hour long revive fest that people can do.

I think that the most important thing you could do is to make posts like this, as I've mentioned but will just say again with more words, so that we can see what you are thinking, let you know what we think, and you don't have to waste your time creating things that we don't want.

A practice mode but very simple (give winter soldier his well deserved rest) like a Cap with 1 billion HP and that's it. I also think the community would love that to see who could bring him down the fastest. It would give people more adequate time to practice rotations on new champs. Or maybe an option in the current practice mode to increase HP by 2x,3x,5x,10x instead of having to try with a 2/3/4* that has different sig than the champ you are really using and trying to learn.


  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Yeah I’d love to test out champs but i can’t as Everest content doesn’t let me ramp up enough. You know what, I’d really enjoy Everest content with FAT health pools but no nodes. Understandable if there was low rewards though as everyone would cgr or knull it. Great idea
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