Best Birthday Gift🎁?

SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 409 ★★
It's been 2 months, almost 3, since I just reach the grandmaster. I felt like I don't really wanna clear act 6 because I'm a Thronebreaker anyway (alternative). Plus, it's been a nightmare for me, like it's really hard, I just can't wait to hit him, then ofc, getting max blunder instantly. I'm just not patient and can't really focus on the task while hitting him.

I got some knowledges, tips and trick after I watched some tutorials for the fight, but still, I can't properly do it. When I entered the fight, it's just gone lol.

Yesterday, I tried to rebuild my mastery from zero (first time did it, never took it serious, never really invest there). It took me about 1.3k+ units plus some core in my inventory.

Today is the day, my birthday, I wanna do something special lol. So I jumped to the 6.4.6 with a lot of revives in the bag, potions, and 2k units. My team are purgatory 7r3 unduped, fantman 6r4a max sig, kushala 6r4 sig100, hulkling 6r4a unduped, and heimdall (no boost). I swapped heimdall with moondragon for gm (probably the worst choice since I never test it lol). It's still hard but I made a progress! I felt the rhythm, survive more than a minute?, and finally first time reach phase 2, then I just don't wanna go back. I don't wanna learn from tutorial again. I just did my best. The prefight just doesn't work. Idk, but anyway I just continued. Finally, after spend 20+ revs and 60+ potions? (I don't count), 0 units, I did it. My birthday gift lol. Phase 1 & 3 are the hardest. I like Phase 2. And phase 4 ofc. Kushala was the mvp. She's just great. Best flow. And super cool.

So yeah, time to conquer the act 7.


  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 796 ★★★
    Well done mate, that’s what the revs are for, no shame in using them.

    Keep us posted on the journey👌🏼👌🏼
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