I’m saving it until after I open my titans after the titan change. I’m hoping to awaken dazzler or rintrah from them and if I don’t, then I’ll use it on one of them.
I’m trying not to let it burn a hole in my pocket.
I think Sinister is great for where I’m at unawakened, and I’d be surprised if there isn’t a shot to awaken him by July 4. He also doesn’t technically need it to be great, and I don’t want to burn stones on him I’m currently using on the likes of Namor or potentially Dazzler.
Right now, generic 7* AGs are such a rare resource I’d hold for that once in a while champ who comes along and needs to be awakened. For me that’s not Sinister, but it may be for you.
Okoye… and no regrets. Her design is one of the few recent bright spots. So nice to have a simple yet effective offensive champ
She is truly amazing, and that's just from me playing her lower ranked versions. But I have 2 Titans and 2 Titan Nexuses saved up for March, and she will be mine, lol....
I’ll probably use mine on prowler unless I pull someone who needs it more between now and when I complete it. I don’t have a lot of 7* champs as I recently came back from a long break. I have a feeling we will see 3 to 5 more of those gems this year in content and for units
Since the next Titan pool doesn't look appealing to me I'll save it maybe for Cyclops, Jean or someone else. I already have a tech AG and feel hesitant to use it on Ultron because I have Sentinel and need to wait how good Bastion is, but there's no rush on using it. At this point use it on who you like or someone who's really hard to pull
I think Sinister is great for where I’m at unawakened, and I’d be surprised if there isn’t a shot to awaken him by July 4. He also doesn’t technically need it to be great, and I don’t want to burn stones on him I’m currently using on the likes of Namor or potentially Dazzler.
Right now, generic 7* AGs are such a rare resource I’d hold for that once in a while champ who comes along and needs to be awakened. For me that’s not Sinister, but it may be for you.
Dr. Zola
I use 7* awakening from the arcade games to awaken my sinister.
Been lucky enough to dupe alot of good champs.
Prob wait closer to July 4th and I should 100% epoch by then and see how June Titan update looks.
Hopefully dupe dazzler when she’s in Titan pool.
Lagacy used his generic on her but I have a feeling he will pull her in the Titan.
Hopefully lizard comes to the game or some iconic marvel character.
Dont have anyone id use it on my roster right now and thats crazy problem to have lol.
Future nickfury, Kitty, Dr Doom.
I can rank 3 and give 50 sigs
Haven’t decided on which one yet
Dr. Zola
At this point use it on who you like or someone who's really hard to pull