Mid game battlegrounds

KhanshaleetKhanshaleet Member Posts: 1
Kabaam giving me access to battlegrounds after reaching uncollected and giving me missions to complete leads me to believe that battlegrounds are a piece of content I should participate in, however out of the 6 matches I played today there were only 2 I had a reasonable shot at winning. I am at the lowest rank possible and yet I am forced to face accounts with 20000+ power champions across the board. Can we please cap the power of champions at lower ranks so some of us not endgame players can enjoy the pvp.


  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,620 ★★★★★
    That’s simply the nature of battlegrounds, kabam wants bgs to be a tool to motivate you to improve your roster.

    It is however very early on in the season. If you wait a couple weeks people will have moved up and competition will die down a little.
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