Why I am permanently quitting as a largely F2P Player for 8 years.

Firstly I would like to preface by saying I love this game, I don't want to quit but a combination of life and questionable decisions by the game team have led me to this decision. I have played this game since I was 13 years old, I still remember when Blade and Stark Spidey were the most wanted champs and Labrinth of Legends was seen as this impossible piece of content. Fast forward 8 years, I am 21 years old, incredibly confused with my life and just trying to better myself everyday. I have spent lots of time on this game over the past 8 years (playing multiple hours almost everyday) and I am starting to realize the actual enjoyment element of the game is extremely limiting. Ignoring all the outdated rewards, bugs with the AI, this strange behavior of introducing a BS defender (Bullseye, Serpent, Enchantress etc.) just to release a counter a few months later AFTER everyone has invested the resources to max them out. I don't even have a problem with the games shift towards 7 stars being the focus of a roster, even though 2 years ago That was one of the reasons players were quitting. I am quitting now because I think this game for F2P players has shifted irreversibly in favor of grinding and spending for whales. Deathless Champs are worth literally thousands of dollars of Units, revive bundles have been missing for a while with no return in sight (srsly scummy move especially when you guys released more Everest content), AI is still buggy as hell and to top this all off even though there are a ton of game modes and content, I can't help but feel a large chunk of it is either roadblocked by rarity (6-Star/7-Star) or specific champion counters (A good example would be the 2nd Path in epoch of pain, there is literally only 3 7 star tech champs that can VIABLY do Adam Warlock and you NEED a counter for this fight in particular).

I love this game. Even after I told myself I would quit after I reached Valiant. I stuck around genuinely because I liked the mechanics of the game, I had a strong desire to grow my 6 Star Roster so I could collect and max rank/ascend all the "Beyond God Tier" characters and believe it or not I actually wanted to get better at battlegrounds. When I look at the state of the game now, I am convinced that the same love the creators had for this game back when I first started has been replaced by mediocre content and a culture of "Pay to yield better rewards." If you have played this game all I ask is that you consider what I have to say, and wonder if you have had similar complaints or a similar story.

As someone who has over 40 ascended 6 stars, 8 Rank 3 7 Stars, 4000 Units Saved Up and has completed everything in the game except Epoch of Pain, I believe this is the end of my journey. I am happy with how far I have come, I am extremely grateful for all the champions I have unlocked and had the privilege of using, extremely grateful for being able to learn every boss fight in the game and eventually overcome it, extremely grateful that for 8 years I was apart of a community that shared the same passion and sometimes even obsession with this mobile game. In my most isolating and dark moments I still had this game and the way it would make me feel. This incredible roster that I have amassed over the course of 8 years will always be a sweet reminder that a combination of dedication, passion and time will always yield fruitful results. I am completely satisfied with my progress, whatever content is released from this point onwards I wish the continuing players all the best. But two things this game demands from you is time and consistency. If you can't put in several hours a day almost everyday then I am sorry this game is not for you.

Lastly I want to end this thread with a personal message. As a son, a student and someone who has consistently struggled to prove my own value to myself, I have come to regret a decent portion of the time I spent grinding units or battlegrounds and whenever anyone asks about this game I always tell them the best way to play is "to never start." I have lost precious interactions and time trying to feed my passion and while I don't regret my journey as there were so many amazing highlights, I frequently contemplate on how much this game really means to me. This shiny roster I have built sits in silence collecting dust, only to be used in Battlegrounds and run into a whale with a deck made out of all rank 3's and 2's. Every game experiences a natural decline but if you are like me relatively young, naive but passionate you may be ignorant of exactly how much this game demands from you. Love for the game has let me continue playing even when that same love was not reciprocated by KABAM. Now life is telling me that the time I spent for this game is better spent elsewhere. I am not encouraging anyone to quit, I am not encouraging anyone to harass Kabam. I am simply saying that as a long time F2P player I think the game is now shifting towards a silly direction. Rich the Man made a video saying that this year you will need at least 25k Units to really whale out for this years Banquet. At first I thought "sick I will just be disciplined with how I spend and grind my units", and as I hit 4000 units by the end of Feb I asked myself "What about the year after that" or after that. You may not see this as a vicious cycle, but maybe for the first time in 8 years my love for the game has let me accurately realize where it is trending and eventually going to head towards.

Lots of Yap on this post I know but I will leave you with a quote from the Lorax and let you interpret what it means and how its relevant here. "A tree falls the way it leans"

If you took the time to read all of this, thank you. I know it was not the most coherent post as I am writing this to destress after studying for an exam, but I hope I was able to paint some of my feelings out for you. I will miss nuking tf out of literally everything with CGR, I will miss pulling a good champ and having that rushing feeling in my heart, I will miss saving my catalysts for an extremely specific and niche champ. I will miss all of it, the good, the bad and the scummy but I make this decision knowing that the gains will outweigh the loss. Thank you to Kabam for this beautiful game, Special Thanks to Lagacy if he ever reads this forum post, as a Canadian myself I always loved watching your videos, you were always incredibly knowledgeable and the same passion I had was always present in the videos you made, you inspired me to keep playing this game especially when I wanted to quit over the years. Finally I want to say "Goodbye", my journey was filled with slow days and bad pulls but everything leading up to this was beyond worth it and if I had the chance I think I would do it all again and change nothing even the regret I feel.


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,561 ★★★★★
    Airport again?
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Good decision OP - I am slowly heading the same way...slowly.
  • dv99999dv99999 Member Posts: 158
    i was back this game about 8 months, just because of my much free time. very soon i will be same as you
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    I'm playing less this year, just doing daily super event and battlegrounds
  • MonubeanMonubean Member Posts: 45
    Same, I have very little interest in the game. And kabam has even less interest, but look at their history with game, best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior, they are a god awful company.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★

    Ahem not to be that guy but you will be back soon!

    There’s a guy who quit for 2 years and came back.

    Lol hopefully the game is in a better place right And in 2 years watch us having 8* in the game and cycle repeats again.
  • AsyalolAsyalol Member Posts: 61
    Myself, I am in the same thought as you, my main account is + 8 million with 20 7* R3. But I'm really starting to get fed up with bugs, AI that is changed constantly, now I noticed that the defender is even faster this month. Lots of things that changes every month. And bosses with screws of 15 million and lots of puzzles.
    There is a lot to say again, but I'm sure I too will leave the game little by little.
    I don't even do any more AQ or BG or AW.
    Always fighting against characters like Onslaw, enchanting, snake, it becomes really tired, really.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★
    gl in your journey with school and everything else OP.

    generally speaking, i think this game is best only for players who are already very established in life and can afford the time and resources to sink into the game. ie. retired people, business owners who are successful in their field and can carve out the time for it.

    it shouldn't be for students or anyone still climbing up in life.

    at high levels this game is a massive resource hog and a detriment to anyone who isn't wealthy. the healthiest way to play this imo is to log in 15m a day just for AQ, do war or BGs when they come up, and buy everything with cash (which they can easily afford) and everything else like arena, EQ, and SQ is a massive time sink.

    i'm not putting down the game, f2p players, or anyone who isn't wealthy but time is much better spent improving irl.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★
    The real quitters don’t make a scene—they just leave.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★
    Monubean said:

    Same, I have very little interest in the game. And kabam has even less interest, but look at their history with game, best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior, they are a god awful company.

    So why not quit if that's how you feel?
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Players quit all the time

    The majority leave silently

    I don't even get informed as alliance leader
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Jlordvilej also gone from the game

    I wonder if his alliance officers and members read the last forum thread he created
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★

    Players quit all the time

    The majority leave silently

    I don't even get informed as alliance leader

    How do you know they quit the game instead of just that alliance?
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    Players quit all the time

    The majority leave silently

    I don't even get informed as alliance leader

    How do you know they quit the game instead of just that alliance?
    They stopped logging in but stay in the alliance

    So I have kick them out to make way for active players
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★

    Players quit all the time

    The majority leave silently

    I don't even get informed as alliance leader

    How do you know they quit the game instead of just that alliance?
    They stopped logging in but stay in the alliance

    So I have kick them out to make way for active players
    Ah, makes sense.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,076 ★★★★★
    Man you had to be 21 to understand this is a business before it's a game
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★★
    Why everyone feel the need to inform other they're quitting?
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★

    Why everyone feel the need to inform other they're quitting?

    Maybe it gives them a sense of closure. Maybe they are looking for validation for their decision. Maybe they are angry or frustrated and have some hope that they can gain retribution by inspiring others to also quit. Etc.

    Who knows, probably different reason for each person who does it.
    Yeah, but I've had live-in girlfriends break up with me with less emotional drama.

    If you're writing a novella about why you're quitting, or are talking about it all the time, then you're still emotionally invested. And how can you quit if you're still emotionally invested? It's hard, so we get this song and dance instead...
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★

    The real quitters don’t make a scene—they just leave.

    Give him couple years to comeback then.

    Then a comeback post easily progress faster than ever before they quit.

    Everything in couple years will be so different and exciting!!
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