BWCV -> Sp2 gives Buff Immunity. (Timed right of course) Isophyne -> Must be duped and it won’t trigger. Spiral -> She will completely shut off Serpents buff. Guardian -> Cheeky counter I like to use, perfect block sp1, use sp1 once maybe twice then continue to perfect block that sp1, then hit a big sp2, smack until he’s down. Doom -> Dooms a cheeky counter during war, not battlegrounds in my opinion. During death immunity if he is duped he’ll steal his power gain I believe.
I am looking for Shathra guide on youtube but couldn't find an good one. Any help please. I have her and will rank up for the counter. Rest I don't have
I am looking for Shathra guide on youtube but couldn't find an good one. Any help please. I have her and will rank up for the counter. Rest I don't have
Dani Moonstar - duped places a marked passive reducing death immunity aa Rintrah and Tigra - Neutralize death immunity Spiral - destroy it with dancing blades
other good counters are Shathra, Chavez, Kushala, CGR, Wiccan, Sassy and more. They can just generally counter serpent but not remove death immunity, Mojo and Mordo are also underrated counters ngl
Nefaria also works really well for serpent but he's slow and I only use for war, not recommended for bgs obv
Isophyne -> Must be duped and it won’t trigger.
Spiral -> She will completely shut off Serpents buff.
Guardian -> Cheeky counter I like to use, perfect block sp1, use sp1 once maybe twice then continue to perfect block that sp1, then hit a big sp2, smack until he’s down.
Doom -> Dooms a cheeky counter during war, not battlegrounds in my opinion. During death immunity if he is duped he’ll steal his power gain I believe.
Mojo - when he farted, all buff finished quick
Spiral abduction Destroyer should both destroy the buff
Black Widow Claire Voyant’s sp2 Buff Immunity debuff
Isophyne when duped
Champs that reduce buff duration like Mojo and Shathra’s Atrophy should also work I think
His neutralize so strong that Serpent just dies
Any help please.
I have her and will rank up for the counter. Rest I don't have
But I won the match
Amora won the other fight
Rintrah and Tigra - Neutralize death immunity
Spiral - destroy it with dancing blades
other good counters are Shathra, Chavez, Kushala, CGR, Wiccan, Sassy and more. They can just generally counter serpent but not remove death immunity, Mojo and Mordo are also underrated counters ngl
Nefaria also works really well for serpent but he's slow and I only use for war, not recommended for bgs obv
She always wins over my Serpent on Incursions 🤣
also same issue with Nefaria if you got him:
(courtesy of Konshu’s Ankh)