Titan Shards

Heisenberg750Heisenberg750 Member Posts: 101
Apart from end game contents, on average how many titan shards one can get per month as f2p? Wat are the major sources


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,682 ★★★★★
    Duping 7 star champs
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★★
    There was 2k available this month from doing the sq.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    2k from side quest, 2.5 from the last bg milestone. Pretty much it. So thats a guaranteed 4.5k a month. The other option is to get some 7* dupes but thats way too inconsistent to count as reliable, unless your like me and keep getting a endless supply of sorcerer supreme dupes.
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