Kingpin as a 7* to Revive the Skill Class?

I'm sure im not the only one that feels he wouldn't be too broken as a 7*. Just like Sinister he suffers from self debuffing himself (despair/inequity etc).
Not to mention, we have champs like Mantis, Crossbones and BPCW that are far better attackers with far better debuff control (higher chance for xbones and cleanse/tranquilize for BP/Mantis).
He's also not even that hard of a defender, with a super easy sp1 to punish.
From what I've seen most people on the forums who were dissappinted with their rank 4 gem , had it from the skill class. And with Kate never coming as a 7*, Kingpin could at least give the Skill class what it needs to make a come back.
Not to mention, we have champs like Mantis, Crossbones and BPCW that are far better attackers with far better debuff control (higher chance for xbones and cleanse/tranquilize for BP/Mantis).
He's also not even that hard of a defender, with a super easy sp1 to punish.
From what I've seen most people on the forums who were dissappinted with their rank 4 gem , had it from the skill class. And with Kate never coming as a 7*, Kingpin could at least give the Skill class what it needs to make a come back.
I’m surprised they haven’t thrown Stealth out there yet. He would be even less impactful than KP, but they would get an easy PR bump from all the spider fanboys who will go nuts.
maybe i'm wrong but "+100% Rage Purify Ability Accuracy" goes against their modern design philosophy and they like stuff that gives full advantage against class advantage but only partial against the rest.
inequity is more common these days so he will hurt a little on offense and there's a lot of mutant attackers that counter purify so here's hoping they release him.
but now scorpion isn't available as a 7*, spot was tricky at one point but the community figured him out, and photon has much better counters.
he was a even good against korgs.
KP had great utility. 100% shrug chance with hood, each degen from the l1 reduced attack by 50% and def ability accuracy by 65% (130% at 2 stacks pre nerf, great against things). he could take annoying hazard shift nodes and overpower mode gave him tons of damage.
but he can be slow in BGs, inequity messes with him just like sinister, and he's not the defensive threat he once was with all the new mutants and mutant reworks.
You guys are trying too hard to give them a reason to have champs like KP stuck as a 7* when we have OP champions like Onslaught/Serpent etc ALREADY in the game. KP is super mid in BGs, hes no hulkling, scorpion, kate, torch etc
They came to my residence and asked my permission to release 7* KP.
And with no remorse, I refused, and ordered them to not release him.
I think his damage rotation would be pretty tedious in modern, endgame fights.
Only 7* skill champ that would be too op to release is kate.
It's like you never understand Kabam's perspective, if it's a defender, it's going to get added.
I suggest you r4 your favorite skill champ.
We all know it's Jabrooni Panther. We all love blade!
Sparky , juggs, Crossbones, silk, deadpool, dazzler , medusa, scream etc.
But i do agree with you that if compared to Jabari, Kingpin would be too op
Starky had to pass thier balance team due to Lags. Tigra couldn't pass it. The way you feel about kp, multiply it by 10 and that's how much I want a 7* tigra.
Crossbones is absolutely not beginner friendly.
Silk is new herc, she got newly released early 7* treatment.
Deadpool and medusa got buffed, every single buff is going to be released as 7*.
Dazzler is still new, 99% of the community don't have her.
Scream is not busted. Her Rotation can be disrupted by many fight factors.
The baseline of my argument on kingpin is.....
If you consider him outside BGs, he is busted in other modes. His op sustainability is an argument against him. No new champ have that potent regen (sinsiter being the exception). I used KP in AQ, if I die with him, after using the smallest revive combined with a couple of fights, he is back to +60% health.