Best EoP Hulkling Counter?

So I haven't seen much mention of Punk as a good option for EoP, so wanted to offer him as an option especially for non-expert players like myself.
With the Hulkling fight for example, he can evade stun to set up the heavy to remove Hulkling's protection, instead of the more difficult option of counter heavying Hulkling's SP2, or the more bad option of taking pierce block damage to get the heavy.
He can also throw the SP2 into block from far away, which again works well with the fight node.
Anyway, just an option for the less skilled players out there like me who need all the help they can get.
(And really I should have finished with 100% health if I was more skilled and/or had some caffeine before trying to rush through the fight).

With the Hulkling fight for example, he can evade stun to set up the heavy to remove Hulkling's protection, instead of the more difficult option of counter heavying Hulkling's SP2, or the more bad option of taking pierce block damage to get the heavy.
He can also throw the SP2 into block from far away, which again works well with the fight node.
Anyway, just an option for the less skilled players out there like me who need all the help they can get.
(And really I should have finished with 100% health if I was more skilled and/or had some caffeine before trying to rush through the fight).

Good luck!
I thought Photon was fine, but you do have to counter-heavy the specials, which is a skill ask. And she also goes unblockable on special when in light form, which is something you have to play around with since you need to hit specials into Hulkling's block.
Anyway, that's why I was suggesting Spider Punk as a good option for less skilled players.
But what about the non-good players like me? We need cheese options.
On top of Hulking, his evade stun creates openings for the necessary heavy against IDoom.
And for Onslaught, you don't have to punish his SP1, you can just dex it, because Punk cannot miss an intercept so he gets his openings that way (on top of the evade stun).
Tf are spiderpunk, mojo, ironpatriot suggestions
I have Ham but havent ranked him up or learned his mechanics yet.
Punk got the solo for me against Hulkling, used Photon for Abs, Punk for Idoom (no solo but decent) and Punk for Onslaught (solo after topping off his health).
you receive answers about who's best.
Silk can heavy him freely by combo into heavy ability, her sp2 actually hits hard on block and her special evade ability is there to save you from Hulkling specials if you somehow messup plus her debuffs also counters Hulkling healing
Don't act surprised pikachu face when people don't agree with you on scuffed spiderpunk goofy suggestion
But again, calm down, it's just a game.
Mission impossible : @TotemCorruption
Where he really shined was the Onslaught fight for me. There is no way I would've been able to get the solo using anyone else, other than maybe Jack, I haven't tried Jack yet because I'm not sure whether he'd be good for any of the other fights, unlike Punk who's a cheese option for half of the fights on that path.
I just showed you Punk is good, got me 2 solos and almost a third on Idoom.
Just because Silk is great too doesn't mean you get to clown my posts but not get clowned back.
But next time if you want to come with a friendly attitude, you'll get a friendly response, easy as that.
Sentinel can solo this fight, at least by by someone more skilled than me. I probably should've topped off his health before starting though, would've saved me a revive....