Yet another retirement story

SpartanGhostSpartanGhost Member Posts: 37
Hey everyone,
I'm not sure why I'm writing this but i at least felt i should write this for the old heads of MCoC.

I started playing this game in early 2015. I survived 12.0, having my favourite champ Wags nerfed from Marvel Now to House of X. I remember the OGs like Magus who had the biggest account at the time, Aw seasons in the single digits and when legend rushes were done with 4*r1s and r2s. Ive met so many amazing people in game from the forums, Line communities and YouTube communities, made friends with people in their 50s and 60s when i wasn't even old enough to get my learner's license and have seen 1000s of friends and former alliance mates take a break and never return. The game used to be fun and despite the hiccups, you still wanted to play it or found some sense of satisfaction.

I am at a stage where I'm not enjoying myself anymore. Between the constant subpar rewards for the amount of effort you put in for content and the disregard for the majority of the game modes, I dont think I've ever been this disconnected to the game.

Lets begin with AQ. In all my days playing, the rewards have never been enough for the time commitment. Granted, you only have to log in for 10 minutes every now and then to move, the rewards for doing so make no difference whatsoever. Ive had accounts at various progression levels, mainly because i was bored and wanted to try something new, and regardless of what level of alliance I joined and did AQ in, the rewards ALWAYS left me short of the resources I needed. they always left me short of something i needed regardless of which map we did or where my alliance placed. You cannot make the argument that the current rewards benefit lower progressions anymore.

Moving on to AW, the rewards have always been barely enough or barely up to date for the amount of planning, anxiety surrounding fights and commitment we display for the gruelling seasons. The Metas ,however, have always been a mess. I don't remember a meta that I've genuinely enjoyed for the last 4 years. I applaud Kabam for trying and recognise the difficulty of content development but that doesn't cover up the fact that the Metas have been the reason why AW has been largely unenjoyable for the vast majority of players. We can also talk about the pool selection for meta attackers never being good enough. The rewards in no way make up for how difficult the past metas have been. I know that the rewards have been buffed for this upcoming season but then they decided to change the map and increase the difficulty... need I say more? I run path 9 in tier 1 war and I HAVE NOT been enjoying the node changes, so much so that I'm considering retiring after this upcoming season from aw let alone the game.

Moving on to BGs, which is supposed to be the flagship mode of the game and Oh boy. A LOT has already been said about BGs. Trappy, Andrew, Abdo, Damn Epic Whale, KT and almost every other person in game has said something about the lack of attention that BGs has received and that has only been met with Radio silence by Kabam. Lets not forget how every other day, there is seemingly another bug in the mode. I no longer enjoy BGs, I have been playing since day one but no i only hit milestones and then do my 3 fights every 2 days. BGs is the game mode that kept me invested in the game but i no longer enjoy it. i place top 400 in game and all for what? To barely afford 5.7 t6cc's worth of BG Tokens and to receive reward materials that dont help me progress, rank up champions I need or want to play with. Not to mention how, just like AW ones, the BG metas seemingly become worse and worse every season.

I wont mention EQ, I havent played it for months now. Not worth my time. The upcoming valiant EQ feels more like them saying,'' OK, fine, here! Are you happy now?''. It feels a little too late.

Lastly, the thing that has pushed me over the edge is the aggressive monetisation of the game. I get it, Kabam is a for-profit company. They need to make a profit to continue running the game , do your thing. I ,however, take issue with the fact that that's ALL Kabam seems to do or care about lately. Early access bundles were Ok but a sale EVERY MONTH? How hard are you trying to milk the player base? Can you please address the state of BGs? What? radio silence? Can you please address of the state of other game modes? Would you look at that, more radio silence or a dismissive and out-of-touch with the player base response! The banquet event was one of the final nails in the coffin but what really did it for me, was how aggressively they were selling their offers in yesterday's livestream. I didn't watch it but i heard about how much they tried selling 3 offers. Lets not forget how they nerfed player friendly things like revive farming or how arena express is included in a paid service or how arena has not been buffed for years.

I will give Kabam their flowers when it comes to designing certain Everest content and champions ,however, that's not enough for me anymore. I'm tired. its hard to see myself become indifferent to a game that has been a part of my life for nearly a decade because the people running it dont care about it as much as I do. If it weren't for Line notifications, I would forget to log in. I genuinely believe that i will retire from the game after this upcoming AW season.

I just wanted to write this to whomever reads this and to all the people who have been on this MCoC grind with me. This community has been amazing and I genuinely will miss it and i believe that they deserve a lot better than what they have been receiving.


  • EvilDavid666EvilDavid666 Member Posts: 36
    I ain’t reading allat but good luck with your future endeavours. If a game can cause this many problems for you then there’s a deeper problem to solve there
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 880 ★★★
    I agree,..i’m not that deeply involved in the game anymore, and in a retired ally.
    Makes it a bit less frustrating when “kabam issues” arise.
    Best of luck in future endeavours ✌️
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