What makes Armin Zola so desired?

I watched the deep dive during the stream and Mike’s live gameplay and it felt like his ramp-up and disintegration damage wasn’t really quick or high in damage. Despite this, it feels like people are putting him at the top of their most wanted in this new titan class.
Is he valued as a defender? Or is there some offensive upside that I wasn’t able to see on stream?
Is he valued as a defender? Or is there some offensive upside that I wasn’t able to see on stream?
The power control is great as well.
Also no champion in game is immune to disintegrate, which makes me excited for Bastion as well
So he's a meta staller, which doesn't matter much in low tier matches, but in higher tiers it's absolutely precious.
He's one of them for now.
Not gonna bother reading, Will ask a pro player to breakdown in some bullet points. And figure out the rest. Not reading anymore.
Except that I don't even want the bullet points.