My account for stupid reason



  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    kvirr said:

    I’m glad we finally got a real “I’m banned” weekend post

    Y’all are cruel. Funny, but cruel 😄.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,256 ★★★★★

    Account sharing often don't lead to bans,
    when this sharing is used for exploiting, Its going to gets a ban sooner or later.

    What changes happend in your account after logging in so called "brothers device"?
    Story progression happend?
    War fights happend?
    BG climbing happened?
    Necro happened?
    Or the epoch happened?

    He mentioned

    i share this account multiple times but how i get banned now when i became a valiant

    He most likely had "help" becoming Valiant.
    Ahh!!! the brothers device with different location.
    By any chance this brother in Mehico or somthing?
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