Enchantress as an attacker: Any good in fights that aren't long?

I recently got a 6* Enchantress and want to get the community's opinions regarding this. This has been discussed before and I concur with what seems to be the consensus: Because of the time needed to build up spells to add punch to her SP2, Enchantress as an attacker is better suited to longer fights. For shorter fights, she's mid at best. If anyone believes she can shine in shorter fights, can you please share why?
Enchantress as an attacker: Any good in fights that aren't long? 32 votes
For me, she seems like a fine attacker, the bigger issue is that she's a much better defender in BG, and there are much better options for quests.
But if we were forced to use her, and knew what we were doing, there wouldn't be too many complaints about it. She's not bad on offense at all.
Anyone above diamond tier in BG understands that Mantis must be pushed to sp2 or use specials when sleep timer is going to trigger.
Try Enche against actual BG defenders and watch her cry