i mean you have to be partagon, i have that requirement and soon to be valiant when i spend all my units on revives.loging in for 6 days seems free to me
i mean you have to be partagon, i have that requirement and soon to be valiant when i spend all my units on revives.loging in for 6 days seems free to me
Nothings free. Someone’s paying for your internet/data. Maybe you. That cost money.
i mean you have to be partagon, i have that requirement and soon to be valiant when i spend all my units on revives.loging in for 6 days seems free to me
Nothings free. Someone’s paying for your internet/data. Maybe you. That cost money.
i mean you have to be partagon, i have that requirement and soon to be valiant when i spend all my units on revives.loging in for 6 days seems free to me
Nothings free. Someone’s paying for your internet/data. Maybe you. That cost money.
Ofc! I love kingpin but I’ve never received anything higher than a 5 star version! And yeah he is a goat. Apoc is a possible option but I dont they willrelease him for some time. I didn’t know why but I feel like it could be toad? I can’t remember the list but there was one somewhere on the forums and he was one of the few realistic ones