Epoch: Mutant/Mystic

AzdefAzdef Member Posts: 290 ★★
So i have the Cassie and Ham paths left.
Juggs is definitely on the team. Which mutant do you guys think should be the other two?
Dazzler / Dpx / OG Storm/ Colossus - 7*r2
Onslaught - 6*r5
I do have a 7* prof x as well but don't really like playing him.
Also any options for Viv apart from Kushala?


  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 620 ★★★
    Do the Cassie path first with Juggs onslaught and dazzler on the team
    Dazzler for Cassie gwenpool iron fist and heimdal
    Juggs for toad and Prowler
    Onslaught can be backup for iron fist and heimdal fight
  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 305 ★★
    My team was Onslaught storm kushala for ham's path.Storm only for annihilus.Viv with Kushala just use only sp2 and don't let her use her sp2 (sp1 easy dex/kushala block unblockable sp)
    For Cassie's path (my only left path) i go with Juggs onslaught and domino
    Good luck 😉
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,135 ★★★★★
    Not worth fitting juggs for spam path. Kushala, dazzler, and deadpool are the best team for that path
  • AzdefAzdef Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I only have a 6*Kushala and don't really want to rank her up. Any one else in her place?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Not worth fitting juggs for spam path. Kushala, dazzler, and deadpool are the best team for that path

    Don't have dazzler and kush. Does OG storm and chavez viable subs?
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Onslaught and Dazzler can take those ENTIRE PATHS

    Who you bring as the 3rd for Cassie is subjective however kushala as the 3rd for path 6 is optimal

    For path 5, dazzler can take Cassie, gwenpool( best counter actually), iron fist, heimdall, toad.
    Onslaught can take, gwenpool, iron fist, toad, prowler.
    I brought dragon man as the 3rd champ strictly for heimdall.

    For path 6,
    dazz can take ham, anahilus, moonstar (ideal) and tigra
    For tigra you just want to boost up and strictly parry heavy ONLY. She cheeses that fight if you have enough patience.
    Onslaught can take ham and Moleman
    Kushala can take viv and moleman.

    Dazz was MVP for me
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,620 ★★★★
    NONYABIZZ said:

    Onslaught and Dazzler can take those ENTIRE PATHS

    Who you bring as the 3rd for Cassie is subjective however kushala as the 3rd for path 6 is optimal

    For path 5, dazzler can take Cassie, gwenpool( best counter actually), iron fist, heimdall, toad.
    Onslaught can take, gwenpool, iron fist, toad, prowler.
    I brought dragon man as the 3rd champ strictly for heimdall.

    For path 6,
    dazz can take ham, anahilus, moonstar (ideal) and tigra
    For tigra you just want to boost up and strictly parry heavy ONLY. She cheeses that fight if you have enough patience.
    Onslaught can take ham and Moleman
    Kushala can take viv and moleman.

    Dazz was MVP for me

    I'm currently doing Path 6, and just want to say that Onslaught is very slow for Moleman. With Tranquility, its hard to get to SP2, have the Degen be placed, and hope that Moleman can get enough power in time to throw a special. So essentially relying on Neuroshock damage, which doesn't do as much damage. I would argue for Kushala over Onslaught for Moleman.
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