Kabam can we be really honest?

All we want as a playerbase is details. Now, I say this with a grain of salt because obviously there’s drops/plans that have to remain secret, but the least we could get is an update on what’s going on with present issues in game and recognition of those issues. Just to name a few
- update after update the game becomes more unplayable with bugs. It’s always right after an update (Rich has a good video on this)
- AI is still acting funny and we know very little of it. Intercepting has been a lot harder recently and I would say I’m pretty good at it. Why am I getting consistently intercepted by sinister when playing with warlock and getting special intercepted after the hitbox already registers…then just does the old switcharoo. This is the tip of the iceberg. Holding block and waiting until debuffs are gone is a whole other issue.
- No recognition of the couple crystals just randomly showing up and/or not showing up for a ton of wars for some alliances
- Stores are looking a lot better…but why is that dang incursions 7 star still 400k with a giant reset timer after all this time!?
- Live streams have felt like a huge let down recently (explained in another post)
- Lastly, we’ve gone update after update with our hopes high that things like this would be fixed after livestreams that hyped up events and news but none of it seems to fully come to fruition
All we want is to be sufficiently “in the loop” so to speak or at least let know that these issues are being taken care of.
- update after update the game becomes more unplayable with bugs. It’s always right after an update (Rich has a good video on this)
- AI is still acting funny and we know very little of it. Intercepting has been a lot harder recently and I would say I’m pretty good at it. Why am I getting consistently intercepted by sinister when playing with warlock and getting special intercepted after the hitbox already registers…then just does the old switcharoo. This is the tip of the iceberg. Holding block and waiting until debuffs are gone is a whole other issue.
- No recognition of the couple crystals just randomly showing up and/or not showing up for a ton of wars for some alliances
- Stores are looking a lot better…but why is that dang incursions 7 star still 400k with a giant reset timer after all this time!?
- Live streams have felt like a huge let down recently (explained in another post)
- Lastly, we’ve gone update after update with our hopes high that things like this would be fixed after livestreams that hyped up events and news but none of it seems to fully come to fruition
All we want is to be sufficiently “in the loop” so to speak or at least let know that these issues are being taken care of.
Seems like Pinwheel is the captain of a boat that is slowly sinking, and that’s not their fault (Pinwheel does do a great job), but mainly because there’s nobody there to help them as the crew has suddenly disappeared.
Didn’t we go through a phase where we had no Community Managers and was just waiting to see who it would be, and that would turn into at least a month or something?
the game is going downhill currently, and it doesn’t help that it’s massively bugged
1 - The Increase of Bugs across the game : This game is a live service game, meaning they update while it is live so people can play and experience the update, however, this system leads to a substantial amount of bugs in almost everything, battlegrounds is nearly unplayable, because you’ll disconnect for a example, they really should be going back to the way it used to be with a downtime, they have the numbers. they have the data. They know, they can do it, they just DON’T, why ?
2 - Communication - I’ve said this in another thread, so I’ll pretty much be repeating myself, but 2/3 of the community mods are GONE, Pinwheel comes in just to say “team is checking” but we never know what happens after that, so ok you know the bug exists, what are you doing to solve it ? Something as simple as a follow up that takes 5 seconds to write would be a game changer in communication, and you can’t tell me that you can’t, understandably, it isn’t pinwheels fault if they don’t give him information, but either way, either pinwheel isn’t delivering info ( and I hate to just call him out, but he’s the only active mod around ) or the game team isn’t doing what the game team is supposed to do.
3 - Money : Rewards - No secret Kabam LOVES Money, They would charge people to play the game if they could have, Are companies allowed to make money ? of course, they wouldn’t be standing without it, However, Kabam doesn’t UPDATE the rewards, They just charge you for the same things, and if you don’t pay, you’ll never get good, because there’s paying players that just can outspend you, and be favored. Look at EQ, We are just now getting an update for valiant level after the progression has been out for A WHOLE YEAR, Look at the reward difference from valiant to paragon, its minimal, and this is caused by kabam not updating the rewards anymore, look at TB to paragon, the difference is there 100%, why is there such a little jump from valiant to paragon ? All they really need to do, is update the rewards, and at least make it so spending makes sense.
I’m sure there is more points I could have made, and I did include things they can do to solve everything above, so yes, it’s constrictive.
You love the games base, opening crystals, collecting champions.
Other players love being getting better, and competing , we are not the same .
1. You speak on battlegrounds and bugs first. Bugs are in every game ever. It is near impossible to remove every bug ever. Now you suggest changing the system back which could be a possible solution to an extent but bugs were a part of the old system too. There’s no way to fully escape it. Additionally as a former vibranium battlegrounds player I will say I greatly prefer the new system.
2. The devs are incredibly busy when it comes to communicating. The livestreams, in game mail and forums are more than enough and I never feel like I’m missing out on key information. Sure it would be nice to get more but they are doing their best and it can’t be expected to constantly be there to respond.
3. The rewards are for everyone not just the top players. You may not like the rewards but new players need them like in aq. The pinnacle content like necro at the time or crucible and epoch give rewards that are beneficial to the experienced players and they are sufficient. In terms of money it’s completely reasonable what they charge and I acknowledge you mention that the game would need it to survive so I don’t see much of an issue there. Not every event needs high end rewards you have enough already.
4. I don’t just like the base of the game. I am a very experienced player and I enjoy all the content kabam gives us. So we are more alike than you want to recognise
1a) A new bug being introduced in a one month development cycle is to be expected.
1b) A bug acknowledged, claimed to be addressed, then remaining in the next release however (I'm looking at you Level 62) is unacceptable. It demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that they aren't testing fixes. They're merely addressing code in a fashion they believe will address the problem, but no one is validating that.
2) Communication: There's a significant lack of it. Fully appreciate that there's only so much Pinwheel and others can convey without feedback from the devs, but just in general, it's lacking.
2b) They obviously aren't obligated to do it, but i think if the community managers (Pinwheel, Dork, and Karate Mike) gave us a description of their day, perhaps we'd lay off them. Currently, my understanding is that they exist to keep us informed. I have no doubt there's more to their daily obligations to Kabam, but please educate us, so I'm not left to wonder why we go days without hearing anything.
3) Sales: I actually have no problem with these.
3a) Full disclosure, I'm a spender in this game. I also work in sales though, and every year, my quota goes up. That's the nature of a publicly traded company. No matter how much you make the previous year, you're expected to make more the next year.
3b) These sales don't prevent you from playing the game if you can't afford to purchase them.
3c) These sales keep the game FtP and most importantly, ad free, for EVERYONE!
On your second point, the devs are in charge of being devs, I spoke on community management. In which their job is to communicate with the community, they don’t do in game mail, that’s the game team, the managers don’t structure the livestream or pick what to talk about, that’s the game team deciding on what the reveal, then telling them to hop on camera and talk about it, yes, I believe the mods make the slides, but as far as I know, dork does that, with Rex , pinwheel doesn’t pop up during streams, so I’m guessing he works behind the scenes, I know he mods chat.
Your third point says that the rewards are for everyone, and not just valiant, which is wrong, because there is progression based rewards, that’s what the whole point of progression is, if there wasn’t, there wouldn’t be a incentive to continue moving forward in the game. Necropolis rewards are no longer up to par, and the good rewards are all in epoch.
And yes, while bugs are in all games, the old system allowed for a downtime where they can release the update properly, currently, they release the update in a minute and it allows for bugs to happen, so it’s better to take a hour or two on the servers, and let it do its thing, instead of just throwing it out and fixing whatever happens, which wouldn’t be a problem if they actually communicated on the fixes, or if they even fixed them at all
I would say though that if this is all that’s wrong with the game then there really isn’t much of an issue overall. Seems like small issues that other companies would put far less effort into refining and improving when compared to kabams great efforts
The difference is the response time for each developer
Big companies like Apple can roll out new iOS updates within 24 hours the moment they find a critical bug that needs a update
Kabam is struggling with the bugs, I just checked their website and they are still hiring a technical director to be in charge of fixing bugs, even with hybrid working model that doesn't require to be in office 5 days a week
It seems like Canada doesn't have the technical talents available for hire
I’ve worked in software companies for the last 18 years and I can tell you that there are release that have bugs but a much higher % are bugless. And for the releases with bugs, there’s ACTIVE communication with customers about the root cause and fixes. With this game it’s just “fixed” without any RCA communication or explanation on how they’re going to do better in future releases.
As I said in my other post, I have no issue with Kabam monetizing the game, I understand and appreciate it. But from my perspective, announcing 4 events (Phoenix chase, cyclops double track, lumatrix, and daredevil event) that are going to require monetary investment in the same livestream is extremely short-sighted on their behalf.
Guys, it turns out he’s a former Vibranium player. Time to reconsider everything we think we know about this summoner.