Which is better

IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 162 ★★
edited March 4 in General Discussion
I recently got salty that I kept pulling useless champs so I r2ed my photon and was unwhelmed when she still had less pi than my ascended r4 so which is better

Which is better 21 votes

R4 Ascended Photon sig 200
EdisonLawCandyCane2 2 votes
R2 Unawakened
CropDusterRevan0607Usagicassidycaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69ItsClobberinTimeValkyrie1994Ben_15455Adri5846ChaosMax1012JackTheSnackDragfire1760SirGamesBond9SuhailDarkNihilusBogoDarthbane3141OnepieceisnotrealSamuel69272 19 votes


  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★★
    edited March 4
    If we are going pure Photon and what she can do, the r4 will probably put in more work, but the 7* is probably overall better.

    Fight maybe shorter, but the health will be less too.

    Unless your Photon is relatively high sig, her awakened ability is a bit wack for defence.

    Of course the 7* will be a bit more tankier, but she will be slower at those debuffs than the 6*.

    The 7* will typically always be the answer than the 6*.

    This is why off season is great, you should test which one gives you the better results.
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Depends for what. In defense an awakened photon is much better in general the 7 star
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