Who to upgrade?

JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 663 ★★★
edited March 4 in General Discussion

I'm looking for Epoch exploration or BG's dual treat champion.
Onslaught, Titania and voy are rank 3, until Mr sinester are my rank 2, all others are rank 1.
I have the resources to take 5 champs to rank 3, this include 3 t4ac expiring and 2 generic rank 3 7* stone.


  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,248 ★★★★
    Silk, Scream, and Ironheart have a lot of play in epoch. Have seen people use Wong as well - in necro too. Luke may have some play there as well. Ham is a good dual threat
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