So I am lucky to her as 7 star as the only tech and I considered her as meh though her abilities are good. Now reading all this, I feel I should check her out again. What rotation are you guys using?
Mlm until 1.8 bars of power, then throw sp1, quickly build to sp2 and throw sp2. Sentinel relic helps.
Congrats, she has been successfully overshadowed ny other techs thanks to the bug, now no one will care bout her even though she's buffed now.
good for those who liked her before the fix and have her ranked up 😂
I always thought she was fun but it was between her and ironman on who gets to r3 first. I decided to rank up who gets duped first and it's ironman and honestly ironman is wayy more fun than Ironheart.
Congrats, she has been successfully overshadowed ny other techs thanks to the bug, now no one will care bout her even though she's buffed now.
good for those who liked her before the fix and have her ranked up 😂
I always thought she was fun but it was between her and ironman on who gets to r3 first. I decided to rank up who gets duped first and it's ironman and honestly ironman is wayy more fun than Ironheart.
for me personally iheart is more fun, iron feels very boring doing the same thing over and over, both are great tho, I'm waiting for iheart dupe, otherwise i'll probably r3 red skull first as I need defenders.