3->4 tech gem advice

miracle_mufflermiracle_muffler Member Posts: 158 ★★
edited March 5 in General Discussion
Just finished exploring Epoch and pulled a tech 3->4 gem. These are my options. Any advice will be appreciated. Unawakened champs can be awakened with the generic AG, if needed.

3->4 tech gem advice 63 votes

Guardian sig 181
yossGyanemdjerWhoDaPooFiiNCHDarkNihilusDenic_2580CookieJarMonstadr2wssummerdeer 9 votes
Warlock sig 60
CropDusterAgent_TDisthene_TValkyrie1994Soumemiakas1926mbgibsonAnsh_Ashield311 8 votes
Jack unawakened
pseudosaneTheUglyone123BuggyDClownJackTheSnackAntzRodzWonderfulloser1948Kingering_KingStoryteller9England73738 9 votes
Red face unawakened
Revan0607Annihilator13_Adri5846DarthMysticGentsy12KLZPotatoslice500PT_99 8 votes
Shoker anawakened
captain_rogersTerminatrixWill3808NONYABIZZMaynardJ4193rsmsdOMEGA0 7 votes
Sentinel sig 71
DrZolaBigTuna_2054GarloMonubeanAyden_noah1ItsClobberinTimeTempest_024Wolf911SquidopusMario187xXguard77Dragfire1760The_0wenpus13579rebel_PhilthiesNemesis_17Mrmr13Hulk808FeydRauthaViperOfChampion 22 votes


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    Shoker anawakened
    I'll r4 anyone here except guardian. Awaken and max sig shocker if you can, he is a great dual threat
  • MaynardJ4193MaynardJ4193 Member Posts: 45
    Shoker anawakened

    I'll r4 anyone here except guardian. Awaken and max sig shocker if you can, he is a great dual threat

    R4 guardian would be amazing. Why is he still underrated by so many?
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Red face unawakened
    I used mine on Pun2099
  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 552 ★★★★
    I would personally leave Shocker at rank 3. Rank 3 already kills most defenders and r4 would just be overkill and get banned most of the time. I would personally do Warlock, great dual threat. But since you have Guardian already at sig 181, he’s not far behind. Both are great.
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 874 ★★★★
    Sentinel sig 71
    shocker doesn’t need the rank 4 YET

    that sentinel is just great dual threat after the buff and would be relevant as well
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    edited March 5
    Shoker anawakened

    I'll r4 anyone here except guardian. Awaken and max sig shocker if you can, he is a great dual threat

    R4 guardian would be amazing. Why is he still underrated by so many?
    I don't like him
  • Gentsy12Gentsy12 Member Posts: 27
    Red face unawakened
    I’d do with red skull and if so use the AG. Not listed option, if you have Titan crystals waiting you can see if you can get Zola when the Titan refreshes next week.
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 620 ★★★
    edited March 5

    I'll r4 anyone here except guardian. Awaken and max sig shocker if you can, he is a great dual threat

    R4 guardian would be amazing. Why is he still underrated by so many?
    I don't like him
    Sorry to say but here the consideration is someone else account not yours so u need to answer according to that
    If you don't like the champ doesn't mean that champ not worth r4 on someone else account

    Also shocker doesn't need r4 as he already overkill at r3 and shocker is not better defender than red skull and sentinel
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,581 ★★★★★
    Red face unawakened
    If you have Arcade also, then do him.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Shoker anawakened
    I don’t really like sentinel, but I’d do anyone else here other than warlock.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    Shoker anawakened

    Just finished exploring Epoch and pulled a tech 3->4 gem. These are my options. Any advice will be appreciated. Unawakened champs can be awakened with the generic AG, if needed.

    The biggest threat. Sentinel will be tankier on defense, but Shocker is a dual threat. If I see his r4 jackass ass, I'm banning him.
  • FeydRauthaFeydRautha Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    Sentinel sig 71
    Rank up who you like the most. I picked Sentinel because I like him very much but the other options are also decent. You will have a great time with a champion that you like to play instead of doing what other people say and end up not enjoying it.
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