Game Lag is horrendous…:(

Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
edited March 7 in General Discussion
Opponents freezing mid attack, such as photon freezing mid heavy as she jumps up and then game unfreezes when it wants, spiderham hammer slam freezing mid slam just to name 2 I’ve recently been on the receiving end of. Serpents specials, etc etc….Stutters, unresponsiveness..

Since update it’s got demonstrably worse I feel (of course from my own experience). Possibly those running newer phones and tablets won’t see it? Maybe it’s a device thing…….losing hp and getting koed because you can time anything really kicks you in the face.

Anyone else getting just worse lag since update?


  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    Have a nice Friday guys
  • Captainmike420Captainmike420 Member Posts: 29
    I have a new phone and notice a bit of a lag on my game, still blocking after letting go, charging a heavy from tapping to fast.
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    No lagging for me

    It's your device
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  • heeheeheehee Member Posts: 93 ★★
    edited March 7

    No lagging for me

    It's your device

    No it's horrible optimization from Kabam. Even iphone 16 pro lags sometimes when some defenders use their special attacks like psycho man's specials. What device do you use?
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    I basically can't dex Void sp2. The lag before the projectile is just horrible.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,538 ★★★★★
    Spam pausing the top of his heavy attack is pretty funny, if I’m being honest
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,240 ★★★★★
    edited March 7
    Personal experience with an S22 Ultra, works fine. Only time it starts glitching is after a while when playing while charging.
    S24 Ultra is fine even when charging.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Yeah it's not always but it's a small duration the game keeps loading.... Skipping frames
  • heeheeheehee Member Posts: 93 ★★
    edited March 7
    I dont want anyone here saying it's a device issue. I can run resident evil 2 remake 60 FPS without any stutters consistent frames on my phone without any issues. It's kabam's horrible optimization.
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    edited March 8
    It’s an older iPad. But it used to be so good for the game…obviously when it was new.

    I just am amazed that the same game can deteriorate so badly on the same device. Do they use more power hungry code or software (I don’t really know what I mean here lol) that just means only newer devices can keep up?

    I mean…like it’s the same game as 10 years ago.. swipe right, swipe left, hold and tap… so I am just baffled at how it can steadily get worse and worse, unless the updates are almost turning into a more power hungry game.

    Like…if I had command and conquer one on my pc, I expect it to run equally as fast after 10 years of updates. Because the updates surely can’t change the game that much?? Or can they?.

    But if I had the same old pc and tried to install command and conquer generals, I’d expect that it may just stutter and lag out due to improved graphics and the games need for more graphical power.

    So, yeah….

    Maybe if they had a setting to turn off particle effects or special effects, that might help? So for older devices, there would be less stress on the system as it didn’t have to process all the effects etc. or simplified graphics? Or more generic backgrounds? I mean the backgrounds look great, but I’d rather have a smoother gameplay than see the quin jet take off and land in the background…
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    Frame freeze. iPhone 15 pro max. AW, sometimes BGs.

    Has been happening since update, seems more likely to happen when lots of buffs/animation ongoing.

    Screen literally drops a full second of frames. Fun when you’re trying to dex a special.

    Is it device specific? I don’t really care—it’s specific to my game experience and it sucks.

    Dr. Zola
  • SlayerjohnieSlayerjohnie Member Posts: 2
    edited March 8
    Instead of them fixing bugs we keep getting new ones,game is becoming unplayable by the month,fix your game kabam or ppl will start leaving
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