Act 8 Chapter 1 Quest 2 (Looking for advice, tips, etc.)

Team recommendations beyond what I currently have. Any else you would suggest, I'm taking the path that begins with Void and planing on facing the She Hulk boss. Feel free to give any tips. As you can see making my gradual process to work on Valiant.
Current Team:
Shang Chi 6* R1 LVL 25 (Sig 20)
Black Widow DO 6* R1 LVL 25 (Sig 20)
Mole Man 6* R2 LVL 35 (Unawakened)
Elsa Bloodstone 5* R5 LVL 65 (Sig 62)
Nick Fury 6* R1 LVL 25 (Unawakened)
Current Team:
Shang Chi 6* R1 LVL 25 (Sig 20)
Black Widow DO 6* R1 LVL 25 (Sig 20)
Mole Man 6* R2 LVL 35 (Unawakened)
Elsa Bloodstone 5* R5 LVL 65 (Sig 62)
Nick Fury 6* R1 LVL 25 (Unawakened)
If you have any other champs that inflict bleed, I'd probably swap out Elsa or Shang and just keep one of them.
Investing into Nick Fury is worthwhile since he isn't a 7* yet. Ideally you want the dupe with him, but with bleed vulnerability he will still put up some good numbers.