Issues With Alliance War Season 56

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 637
Greetings Summoners,
For the first War of Season 56, we have unfortunately run into a couple of issues that have negatively impacted Summoners. See below for the issues along with the corrective course of action:

1. Alliances were unable to enter matchmaking.
A. For these alliances, we'll be awarding a BYE to help fill the gap on those that were missed.

2. Alliances that did match were not awarded any Season Points at the conclusion of the War.
A. For affected Alliances, we will reward them the points they would have gotten after their War match concluded.

As of now, we don't have a timeline attached, but will update as soon as we can target and execute the above plan.
Thank you for your patience and stay tuned for the next update!
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