AW counters for path 1/path 3

Need recommendations for good counters for path 1/path 3 AW with the new tactics. Been a while since I played either paths, so all inputs are appreciated. Thanks..
He does need Recoil to be good and high sig preferably.. but I prefer to play war attack with Recoils active anyway
I have an R3 s200 Diablo and he's a monster.. he can do so many different match ups
Though, I think most players will agree that Warlock is an absolute staple for path 1 - just like Diablo he can do tons of different matches
Node 10 is easier this meta.. because we are not forced to use debuffs for or actually by the tac (Whither)
You can just choose to not debuff the defender now, for example
For path 3, you need chitonous thorns red skull counter. Dkg is great. Combat deja vu disintegration + warlock is annoying, definitely suggest using a power drain immune champs here.
The heal block makes sense
This one features Diablo more and shows some of the matches he can do: Thing, Korg and Fam.. easy money
Don't judge him for Serpent fight.. wasn't his fault.. off season and total skill issue lol - took specials to the face 😂