Ya’ll know I’m probably the biggest advocate for a DDHK buff. But It is safe to say @KabamDORK and @KabamPinwheel got the message. I still hope they’ll bring him up again next livestream or by the time the 7* releases. Just an acknowledgment to the community that they hear us and SOMEDAY a second buff (and hopefully new suit). But I know that a lot more people would be buying the 7* if he wasn’t terrible, I’m still buying him just in case they do buff him hopefully by the end of the year
You're asking for something that they've literally never done and expecting it as a given, that's pretty entitled
his show came out and it’s the first good MCU project since endgame.
Bro forgot about No Way Home, Shang-Chi, Multiverse of Madness, Wakanda Forever, GOTGV3, Deadpool & Wolverine and Loki lol
No way home was nostalgia bait, Shang chi forgettable, Multiverse of mid, Wanda forever they should’ve just recast, GOTG3 overrated, Deadpool nostalgia bait