Bring back Daily crystals in game

FreezingShadowFreezingShadow Member Posts: 47
We still get free crystals from super daily, can we add the regular daily into it as well? I don't enjoy having to go out of my way to go to the online store daily to grab them.


  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 1,156 ★★★★
    I forget to get the one in the webstore most of the time.
  • FreezingShadowFreezingShadow Member Posts: 47
    Aozer said:

    They are free crystals! If you are too lazy to claim them from Web store everyday, you probably don't deserve them.
    It's probably their strategy to drive traffic to the store.

    Drive traffic for what, it's not like im purchasing anything from there. I spend money on their game and spend countless hours playing their game. If that doesnt make me "Deserving" of their free daily crystals then idk what does lmao. Everyone under Valiant and Paragon are still receiving daily free crystals in game.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,315 ★★★★★
    The stuff you get from the daily super is better than what you get from a daily crystal
  • FreezingShadowFreezingShadow Member Posts: 47
    Buttehrs said:

    The stuff you get from the daily super is better than what you get from a daily crystal

    The Valiant daily crystals give you fully formed T6CC, T3A, etc. They are worth receiving.
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