Grandmaster’s Gauntlet 100%

ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★★
I was doing some practice in The Gauntlet in preparation for The Ordeal tomorrow and only just realized that it doesn’t show 100% completion. Going into the quest I see the reason is I never did each path individually to take the portal to the end.
Was there ever a challenge or reason that would have forced me to do Ganutlet that way as opposed to all in 1 run? It doesn’t bother me but I wouldn’t mind having that show 100% complete (nitpicky issue).


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,542 ★★★★★
    There was a time there was no content, and overflowing revives. So many of us knocked them out lol.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Back when we did it with 5*s, many did just the first path . And then progressively got the other paths done depending on their roster strength.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 863 ★★★★
    It used to be that the chests awarded on completion of the Gauntlet were spread out across every 5 fights. The point of those paths that let you go to the boss early was that you could take some of the fights and collect a portion of the rewards if your roster wasn’t strong enough to handle a full run.

    At some point due to bugs in how many runs people got to do for full rewards, they moved all the reward chests to the end of the quest as it is now and just never removed those paths. Still gotta do them if you want to see the 100% completion banner but otherwise they don’t really serve much function anymore.
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