Is it me or are my champions weaker and opponents stronger?

Since the new changes of 12-1-17, It feels like my 4th level 5* and all of my 5th level 4*'s take longer to knock out 90% of all opponents. It also feels like when my champions are hit by far weaker opponents that my champions are taking greater damage. This is in AQ, AW, Story Quests and Versus! It now takes more hits to take out an opponent as it does for an opponent to take my champs out.
Does anyone else feel like this is actually happening?


  • A1r80rn3A1r80rn3 Member Posts: 2
    I just heard from the owner of the Alliance I am in. He has noticed the lengthier fights and least effective damage on our hit but excessive damage from opponents.

    What gives? If you've noticed this post to this message. Maybe we can get an explanation.
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