Greetings Summoners,
We have seen your comments on Battlegrounds, particularly, the latest string of videos regarding the mode. We are continuously working on Battlegrounds and are committed to its long term success. We recognize that in recent months we have not done the best job of keeping all of you in the loop of Battlegrounds developments. We hear you and understand your frustrations. The Game Team has been cooking up a few things that will address many of your concerns, but we aren't quite ready to share them yet. To that end, details will be provided by our resident long poster, Kabam Crashed, in the coming weeks. But, for now, we wanted to make sure that you know that we see you, we hear your feedback, and we are taking these conversations very seriously.
Thank you for your continued patience.
We have seen your comments on Battlegrounds, particularly, the latest string of videos regarding the mode. We are continuously working on Battlegrounds and are committed to its long term success. We recognize that in recent months we have not done the best job of keeping all of you in the loop of Battlegrounds developments. We hear you and understand your frustrations. The Game Team has been cooking up a few things that will address many of your concerns, but we aren't quite ready to share them yet. To that end, details will be provided by our resident long poster, Kabam Crashed, in the coming weeks. But, for now, we wanted to make sure that you know that we see you, we hear your feedback, and we are taking these conversations very seriously.
Thank you for your continued patience.