Riddle me this…when is a medium light light light light combo not a mllll combo..?

Anyone guess?
When mcoc says it’s a mm combo.
Apparently the game now thinks a tap on a screen is a swipe. Amazing.
So sometimes, I’m getting mm combos instead of my mllll or mlllm combos. The combos of course end unexpectedly early and I just get smashed by the defender as the game thinks I’m trying to do either mmm or mmlll, so just leaves me standing there.
Procedure I do.
Left hand - medium swipe.
Right hand - tap screen 4 times (got fed up of mediums enders failing a while back so mostly do light Enders now).
Given that for the past several years my right finger has pretty much done exactly the same thing, and up till a couple of weeks ago a light tap, resulted in a light attack, think it’s safe to say that it’s the game that’s screwed.
How is the game reading the input so badly??!
When mcoc says it’s a mm combo.
Apparently the game now thinks a tap on a screen is a swipe. Amazing.
So sometimes, I’m getting mm combos instead of my mllll or mlllm combos. The combos of course end unexpectedly early and I just get smashed by the defender as the game thinks I’m trying to do either mmm or mmlll, so just leaves me standing there.
Procedure I do.
Left hand - medium swipe.
Right hand - tap screen 4 times (got fed up of mediums enders failing a while back so mostly do light Enders now).
Given that for the past several years my right finger has pretty much done exactly the same thing, and up till a couple of weeks ago a light tap, resulted in a light attack, think it’s safe to say that it’s the game that’s screwed.
How is the game reading the input so badly??!
Will see if I can get a recording.