@captain_rogers Don’t have to deal with his self-damage at least bro haha. Now I have a R3 awakened Dazzler which is way better. The Kabam Gods listened to me!
Dazzler awakening is a big W. I got her awakened too, and I no longer hold the view that she is broken and will be rebalanced. Now I think she's just right actually.
And I also got Spiral and then chose Scream over Rintrah awakening like you.
Basically, a lot of new champs to learn and also rank-up materials to collect for them.
Yeah, not getting Gentle is a big L. I almost got him myself, but unfortunately the other two options were the who's who of God-tier champs. But maybe I can get Gentle next time, if the nexus isn't this stacked!
Yeah, not getting Gentle is a big L. I almost got him myself, but unfortunately the other two options were the who's who of God-tier champs. But maybe I can get Gentle next time, if the nexus isn't this stacked!
Are you joking? Those other options are the worst in the Titan
Yeah, not getting Gentle is a big L. I almost got him myself, but unfortunately the other two options were the who's who of God-tier champs. But maybe I can get Gentle next time, if the nexus isn't this stacked!
Are you joking? Those other options are the worst in the Titan
Yes, I was being sarcastic, it was an awful nexus, but I did choose Falcon. That tells you what I think about Gentle (at least as far as my personal interest in him).
@TotemCorruption Im glad somebody else had to decide between rintrah dupe and a new scream. It took me 10 minutes to decide which one to pick. We both chose scream in the end lol
I got her awakened too, and I no longer hold the view that she is broken and will be rebalanced. Now I think she's just right actually.
And I also got Spiral and then chose Scream over Rintrah awakening like you.
Basically, a lot of new champs to learn and also rank-up materials to collect for them.
But now prepare for unlucky July-4 deals openings 😶
I almost got him myself, but unfortunately the other two options were the who's who of God-tier champs.
But maybe I can get Gentle next time, if the nexus isn't this stacked!
Would’ve been better to just say “CEO CRYSTAL OPENING”
That tells you what I think about Gentle (at least as far as my personal interest in him).
Dupped Amora 😍