I've Blown over a ODIN and a Half on the Lab event, because of the Block, Parry bug and I know why!

If you go level up a character, as you select your ISO you'll notice from time to time, the ISO will Light up, but WON'T SELECT!!!!!!
I believe this is what's happening in game, your Tapping, the Phone registers it, but the Game does NOT!!!!!
I level up 2 Characters yesterday and several times there were ISO left, when I made sure to click everyone..
I believe this is what's happening in game, your Tapping, the Phone registers it, but the Game does NOT!!!!!
I level up 2 Characters yesterday and several times there were ISO left, when I made sure to click everyone..
the hard mode may give 50 red shards, but if you do it all the time, it will accumulate
Cause I need 5* Chars. I have only 1 Decent one.
I wish I could, i'm still on Act 4, with all these double events I can't seem to get ahead to do much in Act 4, working 2 jobs doesn't help either..
Looks like i'm gonna have to take your advice, no way I can justify to my wife that i spent $250 on a Bloody GAME, during XMAS time!!!!!!!!