[Discussion] New currency - Radiance

Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★

This seems to be a step in the right direction from both the players' and Kabam's perspective...

I think there should only be 3 currencies in the game which would be a lot more manageable

1. Radiance
2. Incursion Artifacts
3. Side Quest currency ( Mysterium )

each of these would have a separate store which should be updated at regular intervals

This is what the update timeline should look like at the very least

Radiance store - 4 months
Incursion store - 6 months
Trader's Outpost - every SAGA

glory, loyalty and battlegrounds stores are more or less similar and converting them should be priority
  • option to trade current currency into Radiance at whatever rate devs feel right
  • a potion section in Radiance store for AQ and AW revives and potions
  • Please no incrementing item prices in Radiance store
This would make the rewards in these game modes far more relevant and managing/updating rewards would be as easy as doing one of the following
  • lower the cost of items in the store
  • increase amount of Radiance acquired in a particular mode
This is what I think should be the path towards a better rewards ecosystem.

Feel free to add to this or suggest what you would like to change.


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  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★

    We will be gaining convenience but losing access and purchasing power

    That’s really good point we will have to wait and see what they come up with

    But I don’t have high expectations from them…
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    How about ...call it "Nicepools Exchange booth" ?

    where you can trade one currency into another by fixes ratios. Depending on rarity 'n stuff.

    This could be an easy fix for now until the huge Battleship called mcoc can Change direction.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 995 ★★★★
    I'm fine with it as long as it is updated frequently. We don't want another mysterium store situation on our hands here
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,695 ★★★★★
    My main concern is how much each league will give, the things we'll able to do with it (prices and quantities) and how often it will be updated. These three things together will determine if it's a W or an L, and I can't say I'm excited about it because so far every other thing has been an L.
  • GladsGlads Member Posts: 451 ★★★
    Wolf911 said:

    This seems to be a step in the right direction from both the players' and Kabam's perspective...

    I think there should only be 3 currencies in the game which would be a lot more manageable

    1. Radiance
    2. Incursion Artifacts
    3. Side Quest currency ( Mysterium )

    each of these would have a separate store which should be updated at regular intervals

    This is what the update timeline should look like at the very least

    Radiance store - 4 months
    Incursion store - 6 months
    Trader's Outpost - every SAGA

    glory, loyalty and battlegrounds stores are more or less similar and converting them should be priority

    • option to trade current currency into Radiance at whatever rate devs feel right
    • a potion section in Radiance store for AQ and AW revives and potions
    • Please no incrementing item prices in Radiance store
    This would make the rewards in these game modes far more relevant and managing/updating rewards would be as easy as doing one of the following
    • lower the cost of items in the store
    • increase amount of Radiance acquired in a particular mode
    This is what I think should be the path towards a better rewards ecosystem.

    Feel free to add to this or suggest what you would like to change.
    I think you are right current items the cost needs to be reduced and new items need to come in that's obvious.
    Considering it been so long since any changes to these stores, I think a 4 to 6 month time line is soon generous. Lagacy hit the nail and I have been saying alot these stores need to be updated every 4 months as a minimum. At the end of the year most people will have r4 champs current only a very small fraction have r3 champs these metrics don't compute
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,269 ★★★★★
    edited March 23

    I said as much in my response to the post; I'm nervously pessimistic about this.

    Does it have potential to be great? Absolutely. I hope it is. Am I worried that instead of being great it will be even more limiting than what we have? Yep.

    This may be streamlining things by folding three stores into one and removing our currency - but will the currency be limited? Will our ability to purchase things from this new store with the new currency be equal or greater than our cumulative total now from the multiple stores?

    Let's look at T6 Basic Catalyst
    Glory Store: You can buy 3 per cooldown
    Loyalty Store: You can buy 1 per cooldown
    Battlegrounds Store: You can buy 10 per cooldown.

    So, with this new store are we going to be getting an equal amount of the currency and an ability to purchase at least 14 T6 Basic Catalysts per cooldown period? If I'm able to buy 14 Catalysts per cooldown - or maybe 15! Will I be gaining the equivalent amount of Radiance to do so? The same (cumulative) amount that I would have gained of Glory/Loyalty/BG Tokens would have allowed me to?

    If not - why? Why fold everything into one store and say it's better for us and for the game but then limit us further?

    If the answer is yes, then is the cooldown period the same, or is it longer? Am I able to buy the same amount/maybe more - gain the same amount of currency and have the same (or better) cooldowns. Or... am I now waiting an additional day or two longer. If I'm now waiting longer, why?

    Historically, whenever we have had our rewards folded in to something and said that the end result will be better - it's often worse. More convenient? Maybe, but fewer rewards, longer cooldowns and a reduced opportunity.

    I have every concern that this is just an opportunity for Kabam to limit our access to things even more. It's currently being presented as something that will benefit the game and the player but when it happens and we find out we can now only buy 10 T6 per cooldown instead of 14, or we can now buy 15 but the cooldown is an extra three days... there are going to be little caveats that will end up coming with a tagline about game and economy balance and something that was never discussed or an issue or reason as to WHY these changes were being implemented, but once the changes got momentum people started seeing that adjustments needed to be made.

    But don't worry... here's an opportunity to buy additional resources for units or cash!

    I'm sorry Kabam, I really am, but your ability to say "Trust us..." and have me wait excitedly for an economy change that you promise will benefit the players is beyond the point of my patience.

    I don't want to wait for this to come out and then get told what I'm supposed to feel about it. I'd like some actual transparency and get told what is currently being planned for this new store and resource so that I can compare it to what's in game now.

    I was unable to do it when you swapped out the sigil store and can't compare everything - but the simple fact that you removed the ability to trade in our potions and revives for better resources and now we have to use Sigil credits - which limits our ability to buy other things with the credits. Yeah, what was the purpose of that other than to further limit our access to resources?

    I don't have faith in this store being a benefit or improvement to what we have now other than to declutter things. We will be gaining convenience but losing access and purchasing power - I can almost guarantee it.

    this is my biggest concern. are all resources going to be better, or worst case the same after the change? what are the refresh timers, purchase limits, and escalating costs going to look like? judging by history, like the switch to loyalty for potions in 2022, it could be a big problem.

    sidenote: since there's going to be an overhaul can we a buff to AW potions and even reduce timers on grey boosts?

    also what happens to everyone's current currency? automatically converted?
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,700 ★★★★
    If I can purchase T1 Dust with radiance then I will be happy 👍
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,670 ★★★★★
    I think this sounds good in theory but will probably be disappointing. I say that based on their track record for managing currencies / stores.

    Right now we have five major currencies (aside from units) — glory, loyalty, mysterium, incursions, BG tokens. All of the stores are out of date, almost all of the stores are terrible in terms of selection, flexibility and value. So yeah, it will be more convenient to have one currency / stores, but the improved convenience won’t matter much if the merchandising is poorly handled.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,041 ★★★★
    edited March 23
    I don't mind what it's called - they could call it doohickeys and I wouldn't be particularly bothered.

    I'd like to see Glory, Loyalty and Trophy Tokens all merged together. Plus the rewards for whatever the new thing they are working on (that Crashed alluded too).
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,700 ★★★★
    They should release Kabam coin as currency and also put it on the block chain,
    bumping non squidgame threads
  • EmomikeEmomike Member Posts: 253 ★★
    How bout 1 currency earned in all modes so you can play what you like. Then just cap the amount you can gain a month.
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