Nightmare Raids Update & Compensation

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 644
edited March 26 in News & Announcements
Greetings Summoners,

Over the past week, we’ve spent a lot of time gathering feedback on Nightmare Raids from various sources. Nightmare Raids are supposed to be difficult; however, we also want them to be something that’s fun, engaging, and overall less of a pain point than they currently are. I think it’s fair to say that we missed the mark on the latter half of that goal during the first iteration. We have some plans to address that and create a smoother experience for the return in Round 2.

First things first, Nightmare Raids clearly didn’t hit the standard we hold ourselves to, and we remain committed to hitting that high mark. With that said, let’s talk about compensation, shall we?

All Summoners who partook in Nightmare Raids, whether completed or not, will be receiving the following Compensation Package:
  • 180 Raid Tickets
  • 1 Light Essence
  • 1 Titan Crystal (a jackpot in the final Nightmare Chest)
  • 1 7-Star Crystal
  • 5,000,000 Gold
  • 2 T6CC Crystals
  • 1 T4A Catalyst
  • 5,000 Glory
Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to make this right for Round 2.

The next time you see Nightmare Raids, you can expect to see the following Node changes:
  • The Removal of Phase Nodes
  • Fight Timers increased from 3 Minutes to 5 Minutes
  • Tuning adjustment to the Crush Penance on Apocalypse
With the introduction of Nightmare Raids, we’ve realized we added too much complexity all at once. We still want to chase a higher level of difficulty for this content, but we understand that it’s currently not the right TYPE of difficulty. With that, we’ll be removing Phase Nodes for upcoming Nightmare Raids. As we’re still aiming for the pinnacle of difficult AQ content, we’ll be targeting an increase in Defender HP as a safer way to do this. Coupled with longer fight timers, Summoners will be met with less complex fights alongside an avenue to ramp their Attacker to deal satisfying damage.
Finally, we’ve heard many say that the Crush Passive on Apocalypse was too warping to deal with. We’ll be addressing this by lowering the difficulty of the Penance, likely by reducing its duration, but we might move in a different direction after further testing.

As for Defender changes, you can expect to see the following:
  • Reduce Korg’s Thorns damage even further
  • Remove Jabari Panther’s Cleanse
  • Remove Apocalypse’s Stun into Block
It’s no secret that Korg was a major problem this past week. Going forward, his Thorns will be given a solid bump down from its current tuning to relieve chip damage.
Additionally, we found Jabari’s Cleanse passive to interact poorly with too many of the Role Boosts, and we feel like cutting it from her kit is the best avenue forward.
Finally, Apocalypse’s stun into block is a key RPG element to his Defender kit, and we feel like it’s providing an adequate challenge in Raids… but just like Jabari’s Cleanse, it’s interfering with too many of the Boosts that require you to block.
We want to ensure that players still have control over maximizing their Boosts and Damage, and we will be looking into them more for future updates as necessary..

Along with these changes, we’ll also be addressing some bugs:
  • Reduction of Raid Boss’ SIZE back to normal
  • Korg is becoming Stun Immune
  • Certain Role Boosts failing to provide Raid Fervor
Seeing a giant XXL Defender in front of you has always been a fun visual aspect of fighting in Alliance Raids… However, we believe this to be the primary culprit of missed Dexterity timings and whiffing attacks. This was a particular pain point against Weapon X & Korg when you needed to dodge their attacks and punish their Specials. We’ll be shooting all Raid Bosses with Pym Particles to shrink them back to normal until this can be properly accounted for.
As for Korg, he seems to be going Stun Immune game-wide… not ONLY in Alliance Raids. This is going to need further investigation, but we have to find the root cause of why this is happening.
There have also been instances where it seems Raid Fervor gain is being lowered too much, and not coming back up. We’ll be doing a full pass on every Role Boost to ensure they’re all granting the correct amount of Raid Fervor.

We’ll also be making some adjustments to how Raid Force works, with the intent to help DOT champs shine more in Raids. With the next round we’ll be increasing the Damage boost to linger for .5s after a hit to let DOT damage tick’s also gain the increased Damage. This should be a huge bump in DOT Champion’s overall DPS.
We’ll be watching this one closely and will be looking at more Role boosts, and more balanced Champion pools in future updates.

Finally, we’ll be adding a Champion Swap Node after the first Boss of each path.

We’ve heard that Summoners feel that Raids punish them if they choose the wrong Attacker.
While this Swap Node will NOT allow you to change your Role Boost, you will be able to swap out your Champion to an Attacker that you feel might synergize stronger with your selected Boost. These Champion Swap Nodes will be gated via your Role the same way your Boost Selector Paths are and will ONLY be present in Nightmare Raids.

This is everything you can expect to see by the time Nightmare Raids returns for Round 2.

In upcoming Raid weeks, we’ll be targeting a few more QOL changes aiming to address feedback for the players before and during a fight.
This will come in the form of a new node for any Boss with kit changes (like Korg’s Purify being removed), called out in a node on the fight.
We’ll also be doing a large sweep of all in-fight HUD elements and aim to improve overall clarity.

A final thing we’ll be looking into, will be creating a testing map to allow summoners to experiment with Champ and Role Boost combinations. We don’t expect this to be out within the next few cycles of Raids, but we are committed to allowing Summoners to ensure they’re arming themselves with the best Role Boost + Champion Combo BEFORE they get into Raids. We’ll elaborate more on this as we get closer to its release.

We know that our players were not happy with Round 1 of Nightmare Raids, and we apologize that we missed the mark.

We’re committed to providing a fun and engaging experience to each Summoner in the Battlerealm and are confident that we’ll be able to provide that experience in Nightmare Raids. We hope that you’re excited about these changes and the future of Raids.

Thank you for sticking with us.
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