
AndyAndy Member Posts: 33
Kabam come on now you are being stupid. After all the stuff about helping us and being on our side.

We all do not care if you do maintenance. We love maintenance but why do you not tell us that "in 30mins servers will either lag or go down due to some emergency maintenance". I was in Labyrinth at the time and in the middle of a fight... This is just not acceptable.

We all really dont mind maintenance and we welcome it but by not telling us you will be doing an emergency fix we all did not get a chance to finish our fights and log out until you say it is fixed.

How hard is it to message everyone in game and say "game down for 30mins for emergency maintenance"??

That is all we ask. We are just sick of being kicked off the game because you can't get your butts together to send everyone a message?

I request this be sent to the game team and this be implimented for future emergency maintenance fixes.


  • AndyAndy Member Posts: 33
    Miike? You going to acknowledge this is going to be sent to the game team? We want this to happen. All we want is for you to message everyone when the game is about to go down
  • AndyAndy Member Posts: 33
    And also i dont see any mods here to actually reply to the game crashing. Someon wake them up
  • AndyAndy Member Posts: 33
    Kabam miike?

    I will keep bumping this. And if you delete i will post another. This is what needs to happen so we dont lose progress in the game
  • SamerrsamySamerrsamy Member Posts: 6
    we're investigating this issue atm, case closed :D
  • AndyAndy Member Posts: 33
    Yea thats about it. And guess what they give in rewards! It will be premium shards or some stupid ****. We want revive and potions for all we had to buy cause the game is ****
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