More detailed XP-Bar

I would really like to see a more detailed XP-Bar, so that Summoners can plan their missions better when they are close to a new level. I know that does not affect the endgame player base, but it helps new and progressing Players a lot. Especially at the higher levels 50+ it gets pretty hard to estimate the right amount of xp needed and because of that I would really appreciate a XP-Bar in that you are able to see how much XP are missing to the next level.
I'd consider as satisfying even the amount of XP needed to another level after tapping my profile in the game.
Well yeah I didn’t mean a percentage, I was just comparing benefits to the health %
I've moved this over to the proper section of the forums but also wanted to let you know that we'll bring this up to the team. It's a good idea and I totally get why all of you would like to see it in game.
*For item use