I don't feel appreciated

Watch joe dirt it's not about what you like it's about the consumers, youd think the people who keep the lights on would have a little more of a say so of what direction the game goes in correct? Your appreciation week is a slap in the face. Nobody gives two pennies about an xp boost every single solo crystal pops those boosts out one after another. The level 1 alliance revive? Is this a joke to you guys? Get freaking real. Most of us are level 60, the nerfed gold realm I won't even mention bc most people are still stacked from last time (I not being one of them) so I'll do this. Don't have to use energy refills this time either, so cool. Anyone with a brain should be stacked on mastery cores thanks to the rocket workshop so next week can paddle down piss creek. We're not being heard at all, act 5 c2 is supposed to be "much harder" than act 5 c1 with barely better rewards? Challenger rating has made 4 stars so obsolete it's garbage. So for act 5 to give 4 star crystals and sig stones and awakening gems it's just not exciting anymore. 12.0 ruined the game and you throw a little something here and there that's okay and expect us to forget how great the game used to be compared to now. I started played a little after release and the game was going in the right direction right as shards came into play... or so I thought. This game is whack, model the stores like future fight, model the content, everything about future fight is right on except the gameplay. It's everything this game should be. Bring all that here and leave the game mechanics how they are or how they were pre 12.0
Awh, feelings mutual
Yeah, many, many players are feeling your frustration. At least we know it's not a minority that believe Kabam's user experience and development is suffering again.