Nerf the synergy not Kang please

DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
Title. Kang sucks. Reducing his stun by over a second is bad. Reduce the synergy, whatever it is, not Kang...


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I don't know what synergy it was, but it's better to nerf one single ability than every champ that would interact with that synergy.
  • DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
    I don't know what synergy it was, but it's better to nerf one single ability than every champ that would interact with that synergy.
    If the synergy is with Kang nobody else will be affected
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Maybe they should tweak his powergain by 5%? Seriously this was an overreaction
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Totally agreed. Or just remove Kang from the synergy. Or put a cap on the L1 stun duration. Jeez! It's like no one even thinks about this stuff.
  • BirdofpreyBirdofprey Member Posts: 66
    I just posted up in the suggestions section, but I think the right thing to do would be to buff him somewhere else. If you take away a sec of stun, increase his attack rating, or crit rating....etc.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Can't people like Hulk and Ronan stunlock with or without synergies as well? Hulk's s1 combined with the ability accuracy of HE/Quake keeps them stunlocked pretty well.

    Did I just get the ball rolling on a Hulk nerf?
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    It’s not like someone found a 30% power gain team. It was 10%. He just had a long stun time.

    Stop crying. The last thing you’ll want is kabam nerfing the entire power gain synergy for a fringe champ that 1% of players have. They’ve already removed synergies in the past.

    Just accept it and move on
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL
  • Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
    That was quick how they got Kang supposedly fixed.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Agree that it needs to be balanced, reducing his one main ability without compensating with something else is the wrong approach. His power gain could be reduced and his stun left alone or add something else to make him useful. This was just plain lazy and not well thought out. I don't even have him but can see how ridiculous this move was especially seeing how weak he is with every other stat.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    It was definitely a game changer. Permanently Stunning the opponent is a pretty big advantage. From what I understand, altering Synergies is alot more complicated than adjustment to the RNG of Champs. It had to be addressed quickly. Otherwise people would take that unintended advantage, clear just about anything, and make it a larger problem to have to respond to. At least that's my understanding.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    I never once used Kang in this way and wasn't even aware of it. Now the champ I've heavily invested is now worth substantially less. There are many ways they could have addressed this but this was not the proper one. I, and anyone else who acquired Kang, have been cheated plain and simple.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    I never once used Kang in this way and wasn't even aware of it. Now the champ I've heavily invested is now worth substantially less. There are many ways they could have addressed this but this was not the proper one. I, and anyone else who acquired Kang, have been cheated plain and simple.

    Sorry bro. It sucks and feel for ya
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    It was definitely a game changer. Permanently Stunning the opponent is a pretty big advantage. From what I understand, altering Synergies is alot more complicated than adjustment to the RNG of Champs. It had to be addressed quickly. Otherwise people would take that unintended advantage, clear just about anything, and make it a larger problem to have to respond to. At least that's my understanding.

    Yes because SO many people have Kang right?

    Your perpetual shilling for this company is nauseating.

    First of all, calling people shills is against the rules. Just so you know.
    Secondly, it doesn't matter how many have him, more and more are rolling him in the next week or more. They wouldn't allow a Champ to become exploitative in any capacity. Having a Champ that can permanently Stun the opponent would create a game changer that can bypass any content besides Stun Immunity. I don't know why it's so hard to figure out why the alteration was necessary. They're not going to allow a Champ to be invincible. Whether GP, Kang, or any other. It's not Rocket Science. Situations like this result in Champs that essentially act as cheats for content.
  • Deadly2016Deadly2016 Member Posts: 75
    tbh, altering the stuntime a little isnt a big nerf. i feel for the people affected but its no where close to the changes of SW/Thor/Dr.Strange where they essentially killed the champ.
    permastun is something kabam doesent want in the game anymore, and i rather get the stunduration of one champ reduced then to kill any powergain synergy in the game.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    From memory Hulk, cap, electro, I think storm and even Ultron all have long enough stun time off their l1s to get two combos in when facing computer champs (Without masteries) so when you get close to l2 you can chain stun several times, I think most of them are not 100% chance to stun I've never tested running that synergy but I'm thinking you Could chain stun with it until
    Your l1 misses a stun, to be completely fair to drop the stun time by that long makes him worse than so many champs in the game because you have no chance to do even two or 3 chain stuns like all the other champs who can regularly. playing skilfully for a few chain stuns is a good challenge in the game with a champ who to be frank doesn't have a lot going for him, another easy fix would have been to make his l1 stun a lower percentage for example 85%. Remember the original 12.0 nerds and how ridiculous they were, I think kabam have done another knee jerk reaction and even this small tweak has seriously affected a champ and made him bottom of the heap
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    So what was the synergy, everyone just refers to it as “that synergy” but seeing as it’s nerfed I’m curious as to what it is
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Apparently it was just powergain 25% so he could repeatedly hit his l1 off two combos and perma stun, clearly needed a mini nerf ( oops did I use a taboo word, look up the definition of nerf, any reduction of a champs abilities to bring balance to a game... his ability was stun and they reduced its length... by definition a nerf ) but yeah I know other tweaks would have been harder but this really does wreck him
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    I'm not entirely sure it's just harder. From what I gather, Synergies require a rework of the Build. Meaning they would have to wait until the next one, or create a Patch. It also gets tricky when you alter Synergies because more than one Champ is affected. My guess is it was both easier AND faster. Given the potential exploitative damage that could be done with a Champ that renders any opponent immobile, save for Stun Immune, I believe it was the best and most immediate response.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Apparently it was just powergain 25% so he could repeatedly hit his l1 off two combos and perma stun, clearly needed a mini nerf ( oops did I use a taboo word, look up the definition of nerf, any reduction of a champs abilities to bring balance to a game... his ability was stun and they reduced its length... by definition a nerf ) but yeah I know other tweaks would have been harder but this really does wreck him

    It wasn’t 25%. High power gain like that is only possible with a 5 man team and kabam isn’t concerned about it. It was 10%.. a basic two-champ 5% synergy for each.. and could be used in AQ or AW for permastun because of how long kang’s Sp1 stun time was with stupefy maxed.That’s it

    How can you nerf a 5% power gain synergy? You can’t without entirely removing its existence (which they have been done before). So maybe everyone needs to think of the big picture instead of dwelling on kang’s sp1 stun time. It’s potentially game-breaking like gwenpool’s corner heavy attack nonsense.
    It sucks but it is what it is.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Hulk 85% chance to stun for 2 seconds
    Thor 70% chance to stun for 3 seconds
    Bb, electro, storm : 60% for 3 seconds

    Surely the better solution is a percentage chance to stun rather than making the best l1 stunning champ into the worst. At least give him hulks percentage, or drop his base powergain if thats possible, a bit more thought needs to be excercised here
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    OK this is crazy.

    A very simple solution would be to not reduce Kang's base power gain but simply cap it. i.e. Kang cannot gain more than X% power per hit regardless of synergy. Write it in his abilities description. They do this kind of stuff all the time. Look at Thor Ragnarok for instance - he cannot do more than 20% damage on L3, or Loki's L2 cannot exceed 100K damage etc.

    That took like 2 seconds to come up with.

    Or make it so his stun time scales downward proportionate to his power gain.

    Or if you have to absolutely cut his stun time down then at least give him something else - like a slight power drain on L1. Or buff his attack. Or give him Fury. Or give him the ability to phase through time healing damage. I mean he is a time traveler. Something. This change was lazy and uninspired and inconsiderate of the impact on player base.

    Or if you won't do any of that - say screw it - we're reducing his stun - then give the people who ranked him RDTs and compensatory sig stones and awakening gems. It's not hard to do the right thing here. Kabam just chooses not to.

    I wrote to support (don't know what possessed me to do something so useless) and they stonewalled me in typical Kabam fashion saying they didn't nerf him (alternative facts) and that they will do nothing. Basically suck it up buttercup. Gotta love it.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    I never once used Kang in this way and wasn't even aware of it. Now the champ I've heavily invested is now worth substantially less. There are many ways they could have addressed this but this was not the proper one. I, and anyone else who acquired Kang, have been cheated plain and simple.

    Sorry bro. It sucks and feel for ya

    Thanks man. I appreciate that.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017

    my 4* kang 5/50 sig 99
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Yeah sure bend over. Don't tell me to move on. I happen to have a Kang. I invested a lot of resources in Kang. And their solution to this problem was to essentially steal from me personally. NOT COOL

    I guess kabam figured being able to permastun everyone with only a 3 champ team and 2 champ synergy was a game-breaking mechanic.

    Similar to gwenpool’s corner cheesemove

    It was definitely a game changer. Permanently Stunning the opponent is a pretty big advantage. From what I understand, altering Synergies is alot more complicated than adjustment to the RNG of Champs. It had to be addressed quickly. Otherwise people would take that unintended advantage, clear just about anything, and make it a larger problem to have to respond to. At least that's my understanding.

    Yes because SO many people have Kang right?

    Your perpetual shilling for this company is nauseating.

    First of all, calling people shills is against the rules. Just so you know.
    Secondly, it doesn't matter how many have him, more and more are rolling him in the next week or more. They wouldn't allow a Champ to become exploitative in any capacity. Having a Champ that can permanently Stun the opponent would create a game changer that can bypass any content besides Stun Immunity. I don't know why it's so hard to figure out why the alteration was necessary. They're not going to allow a Champ to be invincible. Whether GP, Kang, or any other. It's not Rocket Science. Situations like this result in Champs that essentially act as cheats for content.

    Let's try this again. I consistently find your posts non-objective. While most posters will praise the good things Kabam does and criticize the bad, I have only ever seen you praise them and cheerlead for them at every turn. This not only makes your posts suspicious, it causes many of us to ignore the things you say. Which is a shame because sometimes you actually make a good point. I'm not sure what else to say about this but I'm trying to be as non-offensive as possible while stating things plainly as they are perceived.

    As far as Kang goes - this is cheating the players who have him, spent significant resources to acquire him, invested heavily in ranking him and NEVER used him for an exploit. Kabam yet again took away and gave NOTHING back. I vehemently disagree with anyone who says otherwise.

    There are many OTHER ways Kabam could have corrected this issue but instead they took the easy, lazy way out with no regard for their players. Acquiring this rare champ is very difficult. But now it feels like a worthless accomplishment especially with the way Kabam so cavalierly makes changes that devalue the effort and resources, time and money that people put in their game. This is par for the course though.

    This just proves Kabam hasn't learned a thing since 12.0. A tiger doesn't change its stripes and Kabam is still being Kabam. I really shouldn't be surprised (Doctor Strange, Pure Skill, Uncollected arena crystals, etc.) but sometimes you're stupid and you think things will get better. This is how abusive relationships work. As players we are in an abusive relationship with Kabam as a company. They beat you up and then bring you flowers.

    Whether it's Black Widow or Doctor Strange or Gwenpool or Kang or whoever - it doesn't matter. Sooner or later Kabam is going to pull the carpet out from under you and you're just supposed to take it. Getting more shards or catalysts doesn't matter because they are just going to pull a fast one and move those goalposts. Keep you on that treadmill.

    I used to be a hardcore player - moderate spender - but then 12.0 happened and I (justifiably) questioned the time and money I spent on this game. The fighting mechanics have always been enjoyable and I didn't want to just walk away from a year and a half of commitment, so I limped along this past year - all the while determined that I would play but not spend money. But secretly I hoped Kabam might have learned something from the 12.0 fiasco and this month they surprised a lot of us and seemed to be singing a different tune. I even folded and bought the 99 cent crystal. But now I regret doing even that.

    And that's what this game constitutes for me now. Regret. Sometimes you need a kick in the pants. For me Kang is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. I will not be "getting over" it. I will be moving on.

    It's a change from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Hardly a total neuter. I get that you're upset they changed him. What you're missing is they had to.
    What other ways would you propose they address it? Leave it as-is, wait to change the Synergy in the next Build Release, and deal with all the Rewards earned by those using the effect after? No. They had to come up with a fix. This was done because it was the best and fastest option. They don't change Champs unless it's necessary. It wasn't some knee-jerk middle finger to the Players, made out of lack of effort.
    As for the idea that one day they will cone for me and mine, I don't take it personally. It's their product. If they need to make changes, I'm cool with that because there is a reason. I don't own anything and it's not an investment. I rent the right to use their product. I either trust the company that provides the game I like, or I don't. Fortunately, I trust them.
    Side note, perhaps ask around. Kang is more novelty than anything. Don't get me wrong, he's cool. Just that his rarity is a bigger selling point. He's ok. Lol.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    @GroundedWisdom it's 1.6 seconds, 2 seconds would still make him useable and inline with other champs as you could start a second combo, but yes he needed fixing, noones saying leave him as he was, and your point about him being novelty is especially.
    And your idea that they did the best thing they could is absurd. several suggestions have been made here that would make more sense than what they did, we are suggesting a better and less lazy address to the issue, if they can so quickly change his stun time, why not just his Stun percentage, why not give him a slight buff so people actually do care about getting him. More thought and more balance was all we were campaigning for
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