Are the chapter 5.2 quest rewards worth it?



  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Honestly, I think 5.1 should have been much harder ham waht it is for the rewards for completion and exploration. That was a cakewalk. If you compare the difficulty and rewards of 5.2 to 5.1 than it might seem like terrible rewards for the difficulty but 5.1 was way too easy. I have about 60-70 revives so I won't be spending any money
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Regardless on how easy you think content might be... The fact is that according to the poll 88-89% believe the rewards are not up to par... 110 votes directly state "No". a handful of others say that they need to bring back pre12.0 (which we know will not happen), which is pretty much like saying "No".
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    The worth of the rewards is relative to the player not the community. Even if 1 person says yes, the rewards are worth it for him. I'm looking forward to the whole act conpletion and exploration rewards because I bet that the t5 basic will be in there along with about 6 t2 alphas
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    The worth of the rewards is relative to the player not the community. Even if 1 person says yes, the rewards are worth it for him. I'm looking forward to the whole act conpletion and exploration rewards because I bet that the t5 basic will be in there along with about 6 t2 alphas

    I will still complete the chapter... Why? Because it is their. I hope you are right with the end (as that would be much better). I was also hoping for 1 free mastery per chapter (like in Act 4), but it seems like that is not in the cards.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    The rewards for act 4 chapter completion weren't the best except for the mastery point. Everyone wanted the end rewards of act 4 exploration which I assume will be the same way with act 5 once those rewards are determined and released
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I thought the last chapter of 5.1 was pretty challenging but maybe I just suck
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  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    It all depends on your roster and your skill
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Seatin did act 5.1 with 3* champs
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    I don't understand how a free R5 is not worthy to you guys. Do explain yourselves more. So in total 5 T4cc and 7 T4b. You guys probably suck and are worried you can't beat it, but you want ridiculous game changing rewards. And why are you all in such a rush to make 4* obsolete by getting 5* rewards everywhere. Btw you can farm potions for free in ROL and daily T4b, of and units for free in arena and monthly event.

    Please send a screenshot of you completing Act 5.1 @ 100%
  • OngellOngell Member Posts: 55
    Bring back Mcoc pre 12.0
    Bump, be heard summoners.
  • X_ScottX_Scott Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    I don't mind the rewards so much, but I don't like the degeneration parts. They keep juggling the degen around, but its lazy. Its just an easy way to drain life and force spending potions, etc. I do like some of the challenges they have implemented though, like the power damage only. Those type of challenges are fun. Degeneration = lazy, not fun.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    The Bautista challenge rewards were way better than this, and the last chapter of 5.2 with The Collecter is harder that
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Let's stop with the bashing.

    I'm gonna draw you guys back to the leaked 5.2 announcement before the actual announcement came out.

    Remember there was a paragraph that stated that for people who completed (or explored 5.2, can't remember the exact words) before a certain time, the rewards will be better. Those that cleared it after that time would have rewards that weren't decided at that point of time?

    I have fully explored 5.2, and yes, I agree that the rewards for chapter exploration doesn't match up with the difficulty, compared to 5.1.

    But there is an unknown "Grandmaster's Favor" in the completion rewards that, although rewards only a title now, might have certain unknown rewards for those who finish 5.2 before a certain time, similar to that leaked.

    Now I know I'm shooting in the dark here, but bear with me. The leak mentioned that rewards for those who completed after a certain time were not decided yet, but, what if the underwhelming rewards we see now is only the baseline rewards given to us and the actual rewards will be coming in time?

    How I reached this conjecture is that Kabam announced that Act 5 would be fully released by the end of the year. Given the schedule of when 5.1 was released, it is likely that we will be given a new chapter every 3 months, hence we are looking at June, September and December. What this means is 5.2 needed to be released in June to adhere to the schedule, but with the rewards undecided yet, this cannot be done.

    The solution to this was to introduce the "Grandmaster's Favor" as a means to buy the development team some time to finalize the rewards. Using this, the actual rewards can be decided then distributed to players holding the Favor, while simultaneously updating the in-game displayed rewards.

    Hence, let's stop with the non-constructive bashing here. We get it. 5.2 is waaayyyy more difficult than 5.1 or Bautista and the rewards doesn't match the effort spent to complete or explore it.

    Instead, suggest possible realistic rewards for the for the forum moderators to bring back to the development team for their consideration.

  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    For me, I think the rewards are quite undervalued proportionate to the difficulty. I feel an extra 4* generic gem, a T4cc, and/or maybe some T2a fragments would make this better.

    That being said, I'm still going to explore it. While the rewards aren't too worthwhile, that doesn't mean the rewards in general are bad. I'd still fancy that 4* rank up gem, always nice to have another maxed 4*, that gem is worth 3 T4cc, 5 T4B and 2 T1A. The T4cc crystal is something I'll never pass up, and the signature stones as well, though I wish more of them were generic instead of crystals.

    Overall, rewards are a bit disappointing, especially because of the omission of any awakening gem. I hope it'll be better next chapter.
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    The rewards are great for noobs.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I voted no.

    If I could use that rank up gem on a 5* then I would be a lot happier. Maybe throw in an awakening gem too and I probably would have voted yes.

    I was hoping for more stuff for 5* champs... That's where the game is headed.
  • Stu198311Stu198311 Member Posts: 77
    Look at the rewards for act 4 and then tell me they are worth it lol they need changing and ASAP
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  • Stu198311Stu198311 Member Posts: 77
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    The worth of the rewards is relative to the player not the community. Even if 1 person says yes, the rewards are worth it for him. I'm looking forward to the whole act conpletion and exploration rewards because I bet that the t5 basic will be in there along with about 6 t2 alphas

    Well you was wrong lol
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    What are you doing here?
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,690 ★★★★★
    Why did you bring back a 4 year old thread????
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