RDTs?! Whaaat

Lol just saying thanks to Kabam for a) finding a way to 'fix' RDTs to be more balanced in game & b) for giving them to us regardless of quantity, a lot of people are gonna stop posting about compensation now I hope lol but also you guys may have opened a can of worms for yourselves as people will expect them again & again, hence balancing them out was so importan.

Thanks Kabam, good one :)


  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    It's basically a double edged sword, i don't know why these dont reimburse all for resources wasted to to rank said champion up. It's a big waste even though it's thoughtful
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    I think for them, the issue before was people using the resources to rank up & down & up again when an SA came along, hence to reduce misuse of the tickets, theyve added this.

    Sure its a drawback BUT it makes them more sustainable from a business perspective so we could see them being released more readily now that they've been balanced out for them & us to all benefit. Either way, Im just happy to correct the one or two mistakes Ive made in the past year or so lol

    Just a thought though.
  • loader187loader187 Member Posts: 222 ★★
    BaironDH wrote: »
    I think for them, the issue before was people using the resources to rank up & down & up again when an SA came along, hence to reduce misuse of the tickets, theyve added this.

    Sure its a drawback BUT it makes them more sustainable from a business perspective so we could see them being released more readily now that they've been balanced out for them & us to all benefit. Either way, Im just happy to correct the one or two mistakes Ive made in the past year or so lol

    Just a thought though.

    I disagree. I would agree if they gave us like 5+ rank down again but that is not the case. You can't rank up people because gold is scarce. They only gave us 1 so people will probably use it wisely. It's not going to make or break SA with just one. And with the amount of server outages I think they owe us
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★★
    Tibzan wrote: »
    The only thing is I think not giving back the Gold or ISO is a big drawback. Still thankful though.

    find something to complaing about, geez
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    loader187 wrote: »
    BaironDH wrote: »
    I think for them, the issue before was people using the resources to rank up & down & up again when an SA came along, hence to reduce misuse of the tickets, theyve added this.

    Sure its a drawback BUT it makes them more sustainable from a business perspective so we could see them being released more readily now that they've been balanced out for them & us to all benefit. Either way, Im just happy to correct the one or two mistakes Ive made in the past year or so lol

    Just a thought though.

    I disagree. I would agree if they gave us like 5+ rank down again but that is not the case. You can't rank up people because gold is scarce. They only gave us 1 so people will probably use it wisely. It's not going to make or break SA with just one. And with the amount of server outages I think they owe us

    Just one comment on this, I get the qty is small so it wont mess with it much, regardless the gold & iso are easy to get, people struggle more with t4ccs & t4cs, also gold should be abundant right now with gold realms?
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    Why not give us all the materials used back!? I don't get it. I've never complained about Kabam on the forums.... not once but this seems like a redundant move. Give us back all of the gold and iso too. I mean I spent time grinding for the cats AND gold AND iso. But now I just wasted hundreds of thousands of gold and iso and time....
  • NeowantsyouNeowantsyou Member Posts: 198 ★★
    Just be happy, with these tickets which we expected would never make a return for a while. Thank you, kabam.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Whose flagging posts again? If you keep falsely flagging posts for no reason they may do something since they've said something along those lines already.
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    Oh I am happy, but with only the one ticket, giving back the gold and iso won't be abused like what was said before.

    And to the idiot going through and flagging everyone's post, grow up. This is a legitimate discussion and the points are valid.

    I understand the "be thankful". I am, it was/is going to allow me to push my new 5 star Hood in front of my 5 star iron fist.... but no I have to grind for the iso and gold I've already spent on ranking iron fist before. It is a double edged sword.

    Think of it this way, it costs you to use those tickets. You basically pay the gold and iso used for the toon you are ranking down in order to use the ticket. That's a bit unbalanced because i earned those materials and now i just lose them?

    Here's your gift, but you have to pay for it!?
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  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    It’s not a double-edged sword at all. They are allowing players to fix one mistake due to wars or whatever reason. Gold and iso are the easiest things to get. The T2a and class cats are the resources in question and are being returned if a player chooses. People will complain about anything it seems.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Masuzara wrote: »
    Oh I am happy, but with only the one ticket, giving back the gold and iso won't be abused like what was said before.

    And to the idiot going through and flagging everyone's post, grow up. This is a legitimate discussion and the points are valid.

    I understand the "be thankful". I am, it was/is going to allow me to push my new 5 star Hood in front of my 5 star iron fist.... but no I have to grind for the iso and gold I've already spent on ranking iron fist before. It is a double edged sword.

    Think of it this way, it costs you to use those tickets. You basically pay the gold and iso used for the toon you are ranking down in order to use the ticket. That's a bit unbalanced because i earned those materials and now i just lose them?

    Here's your gift, but you have to pay for it!?

    But then why did you R4 IF to begin with? Prestige? Or cause you enjoy fighting with him? If the latter then it's kind of the point that you're getting a new champ to upgrade so why would that be free?

    And if the former the same sentiment implies, if you're getting a "do over" to rank someone up over your previous prestige based rank up, why be free? You're choosing (and being given the opportunity) to rank up someone way better than your original choice which you now seem to regret, in my opinion that warrants having to spend the gold/iso again.
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2017
    BaironDH wrote: »
    loader187 wrote: »
    BaironDH wrote: »
    I think for them, the issue before was people using the resources to rank up & down & up again when an SA came along, hence to reduce misuse of the tickets, theyve added this.

    Sure its a drawback BUT it makes them more sustainable from a business perspective so we could see them being released more readily now that they've been balanced out for them & us to all benefit. Either way, Im just happy to correct the one or two mistakes Ive made in the past year or so lol

    Just a thought though.

    I disagree. I would agree if they gave us like 5+ rank down again but that is not the case. You can't rank up people because gold is scarce. They only gave us 1 so people will probably use it wisely. It's not going to make or break SA with just one. And with the amount of server outages I think they owe us

    Just one comment on this, I get the qty is small so it wont mess with it much, regardless the gold & iso are easy to get, people struggle more with t4ccs & t4cs, also gold should be abundant right now with gold realms?
    Masuzara wrote: »
    Oh I am happy, but with only the one ticket, giving back the gold and iso won't be abused like what was said before.

    And to the idiot going through and flagging everyone's post, grow up. This is a legitimate discussion and the points are valid.

    I understand the "be thankful". I am, it was/is going to allow me to push my new 5 star Hood in front of my 5 star iron fist.... but no I have to grind for the iso and gold I've already spent on ranking iron fist before. It is a double edged sword.

    Think of it this way, it costs you to use those tickets. You basically pay the gold and iso used for the toon you are ranking down in order to use the ticket. That's a bit unbalanced because i earned those materials and now i just lose them?

    Here's your gift, but you have to pay for it!?

    But then why did you R4 IF to begin with? Prestige? Or cause you enjoy fighting with him? If the latter then it's kind of the point that you're getting a new champ to upgrade so why would that be free?

    And if the former the same sentiment implies, if you're getting a "do over" to rank someone up over your previous prestige based rank up, why be free? You're choosing (and being given the opportunity) to rank up someone way better than your original choice which you now seem to regret, in my opinion that warrants having to spend the gold/iso again.

    I ranked him because he was the only 5 star dupe I had that was worth it.
    Last week I got Hood.
    It's not 'regret'.

    Im not asking that it be free. That's the point I'm making. I've already spent the gold and iso. The ticket isn't allowing us to rank anyone for free, it's giving back half of what we spent previously AND ranking DOWN a toon already ranked up previously.

    So the rank down ticket isn't giving us anything for 'free'.

    If it were rank up ticket, THAT would be free.

    This is charging us the gold and iso and rank of one toon for the catalysts only... in essence we actually gain nothing we haven't already gotten. We are transferring the cats to a new toon and lose out on the gold and iso.

    So it COSTS us to use these tickets. I.e. not a gift.

    The opportunity is the gift. Kind of like how the do a lottery for the chance to buy supe bowl tickets. You 'win' the chance to spend money to purchase a ticket.
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    And please do not take what I'm saying out if context. I see both sides perfectly. I just wanted to voice an opinion

    I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right, I am merely stating why I feel the way I do.

    I'm ranking up hood to rnk 4. He will be my first rnk 4 5 star, IF was only rnk 3. But I only needed the mystic cats to finish Hood to 4.

    I love this game. Im not being straight up negative. I'm trying to constructively voice an opinion that I feel others also agree with.

  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    You don’t understand the economy of this game. If you consider gold and iso “half the cost” of taking a 5* to R4, then you’re not paying attention. Everyone has a stash of iso unless then just ranked a champ and gold realm is going on right now. It’s not FREE, but it’s as close as possible and gives everything back that MOST would complain about.

    Without this, you would have an R4 Iron Fist for the foreseeable future. So I beliefe you mean “Thank You” 😀
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    This has to be my favorite gift from Kabam this year.... After months of trying to get them to fix Captain Marvel, I finally get to rank her down and use someone else
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    edited December 2017
    I Ranked down my 4* R5 SIM. and then i R5'ed my Hyperion.

    when i get the basics i'll r5 Thor later. it is worth it for me even though it doesn't give the gold and iso back.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Absolutely awesome gesture from Kabam! I can be real skeptical towards them, but this is a real fine christmas present 😄 Real glad that I can finally undo the mistake of taking 5* Cyc (red) to rank 4.
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2017
    You don’t understand the economy of this game. If you consider gold and iso “half the cost” of taking a 5* to R4, then you’re not paying attention. Everyone has a stash of iso unless then just ranked a champ and gold realm is going on right now. It’s not FREE, but it’s as close as possible and gives everything back that MOST would complain about.

    Without this, you would have an R4 Iron Fist for the foreseeable future. So I beliefe you mean “Thank You” 😀

    Ok. Well, passive aggressiveness aside, the economy of the game is understood. I am more than paying attention so thank you for assuming otherwise.

    Gold and iso are a part of the cost. It's an assumption that everyone "has a stash of iso". Some do, some don't. That doesn't make it any less a part of the cost to rank a champion. You also get cats and can have a stash of those avail.... so your post doesn't provide any insight as to why only part of the rank cost is refunded with the tickets other than to passive aggressively attempt to belittle what I've said by claiming I don't understand the economy of the game or am somehow not paying attention.

    1. It costs Catalysts to rank up a toon
    2. It costs gold to rank up a toon
    3. it costs iso to rank up a toon

    Secondary facts:
    1. It takes time to grind for gold
    2. it takes time to grind for catalysts
    3. it takes time to grind for iso

    Tertiary facts:
    1. The economy in the game involves iso
    2. the economy in the game involves gold
    3. The economy of the game involves catalysts
    4. the economy of the game involves units

    So yes, technically it's not "half" the cost of ranking up to use gold and iso, it's actually 2/3rds

    lastly, I said thank you.
    I also said I understand they didn't have to do that at all.
    I also understand the benefit.

    So in summary, my posts stand on the facts presented regardless of what you consider ones "attention span" and "understanding" are.

    Now for my passive aggressive finale; the difference between a response and a reaction is logical thought applied to the understanding of the post or discussion one is attempting to reply to, try using that instead of posting a knee jerk Kabam fanboy reaction. That will make you a part of the discussion.

  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    @Masuzara you’re assuming I’m being passive aggressive. I’m telling you how it is for a large cross section of players. Your “facts” are asinine at best. 2/3 the cost of a rank-up? So you have tons of champs with the cats to rank them and you’re waiting on gold and iso? I would assume not, but I’ll let you answer that. And please no book this time, it’s christmas Day and I don’t have that much time for this.
  • MasuzaraMasuzara Member Posts: 20
    You were whether you see it or not. You questioned my understanding of the game economy and stated im not paying attention.

    If you cannot read and understand the bare bones facts that are no more asinine than your assumption that your opinion is all that matters, then I can't help you.

    My posts have nothing to do with what is "stored", gold, iso, cats or otherwise. That is where your logic is flawed.
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  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Long story short, what you're saying is like "thanks for the free brand new iPhone X, but I gotta pay for shipping? That's not free and you're making me pay still".

    That's a very very close comparison.

    And for the record I agree with @Fthewigg, I think these break the game and don't agree with kabam giving them out at all.

    Let the R4 Ronan owners stew in their impatient bad decisions.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Thanks kabam, this was very reasonable and foes not completely revamp prestige. It only affects it a little bit
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    IMO I think they realised that nerfing Kang during the Gifting event when he was on offer for such a heavy price (to complete all milestones) they had no choice but to offer these. They did actually state that RDT’s would only ever happen if they nerfed a champ. Which they did. So I will happily take it. I don’t care that we don’t get the gold or iso back. Halls of fortune and healing are on. Go get your resources back and smile to the moon and back :)
  • Sith_LordSith_Lord Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Thank you to the Kabam team, for the wonderful Christmas gifts. This was a very beautiful gesture! 1 was only needed to take down a poor R4 from a while ago. Took down my level 60 R4 Venom, & brought my level 100 Doctor Voodoo up to rank 4. With the T2A from the Holiday Calendar next week, my 5* Ghost Rider will go up to R4.
    Merry Christmas, & God Bless!

  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Masuzara wrote: »
    You were whether you see it or not. You questioned my understanding of the game economy and stated im not paying attention.

    If you cannot read and understand the bare bones facts that are no more asinine than your assumption that your opinion is all that matters, then I can't help you.

    My posts have nothing to do with what is "stored", gold, iso, cats or otherwise. That is where your logic is flawed.

    I question your understanding of the game based off of your statements. My opinion is FAR from all that matters. Your posts make it seem like the hundreds (maybe thousands?) of dollars in catalysts that one can reclaim from the rank down tickets are worth nothing when one would need to spend the equivalent of tens of dollars in iso and gold in order to make the corresponding rank up.

    And for comparison, the rank-up gems given in game now only rank up and do not level the champ for you either. The value is similar, but the rank downs allow for a correction of a less than optimal choice made previously. If you would spit on the monetary and in-game value that these items hold, then I can’t help you 😀
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