The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!

5 star - rank 4 questions

JarekJarek Member Posts: 64
I have 3 potential rank 4 5* options:
A) Awekened Drax @ sig 85 and already rank 4
B) Unawekened Gwenpool
C) Unawekened Hyperion

Now questions:
1. Should i rank down Drax to get resources back?
2. Should i rank down Drax and r4 Hyperion?
3. Keep Drax and wait for dup of Gwenpool or Hyperion or other options
4. Keep Drax and r4 Gwenpool

What you think?


  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Rank down Drax and R4 Hyperion and Gwenpool. Even unduped, they are better than drax.
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