Alliance Wars 3*

WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
Having a 3* only alliance war map, most players/teams have a bunch maxed out 3*. So it would be an interesting wars, even playing field! it would be about skills and utilizing team play. Instead of taking on a team with just 10 members and only one or two are worth a dime that place, so my team is taking on one guy who is uncollected and legend handing us our butt. KeepOnGrinding


  • scottstevenson86scottstevenson86 Member Posts: 152
    5k nodes are a joke brother mines well bring 3*s to fight them
  • scottstevenson86scottstevenson86 Member Posts: 152
    Even with 3* vs 3* your looking at 35-40 hit fights no challenge
  • Sp3edD3m0nSp3edD3m0n Member Posts: 90
    I have thought about this before. I would be pretty cool if there was a 3 star war that ran concurrently with the "Featured War". It would need to have redesigned nodes and significant health boosts to make it challenging. They could also add class specific paths, increase defense to 10 or something of the sort. Most people have extensive 3 star rosters which would be nice to for them to have some utility.
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    not talking about same nodes just making a war map that's design for 3* as Sp3edD3m0n said " have some utility with them" besides the 3 vs 3. an even playing field not jacking the PI to stupid like the war is now. Its just something to think about. just a suggestion What says the MCoC Universe? Dilly Dilly to the pit of Misery
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    This also would be good for new people with a limited roster! I've notice people with more 4 and 5 * that have only been playing for a few months maybe they are buying their way to the top who knows. (Me personally not going to spend a dime but I have received gift cards for the play store. ) I just know it took me quite awhile to get a 4* and almost a year to get my first 5* . Think this would make for a more competitive and fun war.. maybe make it 2-3* only, a reason to keep 2* instead of selling them off. just a though.... Time to go grind some more peace.
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    If they enable the war chat before attack phase, the 2 alliances can come to an agreement to only use 3* champs!!!
    Not everyone is honest and it would be pretty bad if the other alliance doesn't follow through!
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