Mastery and Champ Suggestions

Okay before you start flaming me please realize these are just ideas, depending on your point of view they will be good or bad. Constructive criticism only please.
Mystic Dispersion:
Have MD get a cool down, even a few seconds will help some champs like wolverine not be completely useless against it.
Make it a passive instead of a buff - Its an essential ability that is used constantly, we shouldn't have to remove it, ever.
Remove it completely.
Increase signature ability by X%-X%
Serum Science:
Increase all special damage by X%-X%
1.) Change all natural evade to no longer activate while blocking. This will make these champs much more manageable to fight with. Increase the chance to evade by a small % while not blocking to compensate.
Scale dupe ability to 100%
Special 3 is identical to special 2, shouldn't it be worth more?
How about Special 3 Activates all 3 shields.
Increase stun chance on all specials.
Scale duped ability to 50%.
Vision (Age of Ultron)
Special 3 is a joke and our goal shouldn't be to make sure we never get to special 3
Add power lock to special 3.
Luke Cage:
increase his base damage.
Joe Fixit:
Increase bleed damage.
Iron Fist:
I don't really know but dude needs something.
Special 3 add fatigues for 9 seconds equal to active armor breaks on opponent.
Special 1 remove all active fatigues from opponent for additional X% armor penetration for this attack.
Iron Patriot:
Change special 3 to bunker buster, have it fizzle and fail and Iron Man swoop in and save the day.
Remove burn out from duped ability.
Iron Man, Superior Iron Man and Iron Patriot:
Signature ability addition "Arc Boost" activate automatically for 20% of Arc Overloads health burst every 20 seconds. For every Arc Boost Successfully applied, gain 1 Arc boost Charge (Max 5). For each Arc Boost Charge, Arc Overload Health burst is reduced by 20%. Armor Up activates as usual.
Switches stances automatically every 10 Seconds and whenever he uses a special attack.
Sig ability changed to mimic Spider-Man Classic.
Special 2 Changed to a long rang projectile Sword throw - Nightcrawler throws his sword Teleporting directly after it for 3 more hits on the opponent.
(remember above change to evade no longer activating while blocking)
Increase AI Offensive. Right now all he does is block 90% of the time.
Scarlet Witch:
Increase her signature ability activation rate.
Reduce max charges to 10.
Reduce electroshock charge time to 0.70 seconds.
Change Self-Repair to activate after receiving an attack that does over 10% Of Nebula's max Health
Mystic Dispersion:
Have MD get a cool down, even a few seconds will help some champs like wolverine not be completely useless against it.
Make it a passive instead of a buff - Its an essential ability that is used constantly, we shouldn't have to remove it, ever.
Remove it completely.
Increase signature ability by X%-X%
Serum Science:
Increase all special damage by X%-X%
1.) Change all natural evade to no longer activate while blocking. This will make these champs much more manageable to fight with. Increase the chance to evade by a small % while not blocking to compensate.
Scale dupe ability to 100%
Special 3 is identical to special 2, shouldn't it be worth more?
How about Special 3 Activates all 3 shields.
Increase stun chance on all specials.
Scale duped ability to 50%.
Vision (Age of Ultron)
Special 3 is a joke and our goal shouldn't be to make sure we never get to special 3
Add power lock to special 3.
Luke Cage:
increase his base damage.
Joe Fixit:
Increase bleed damage.
Iron Fist:
I don't really know but dude needs something.
Special 3 add fatigues for 9 seconds equal to active armor breaks on opponent.
Special 1 remove all active fatigues from opponent for additional X% armor penetration for this attack.
Iron Patriot:
Change special 3 to bunker buster, have it fizzle and fail and Iron Man swoop in and save the day.
Remove burn out from duped ability.
Iron Man, Superior Iron Man and Iron Patriot:
Signature ability addition "Arc Boost" activate automatically for 20% of Arc Overloads health burst every 20 seconds. For every Arc Boost Successfully applied, gain 1 Arc boost Charge (Max 5). For each Arc Boost Charge, Arc Overload Health burst is reduced by 20%. Armor Up activates as usual.
Switches stances automatically every 10 Seconds and whenever he uses a special attack.
Sig ability changed to mimic Spider-Man Classic.
Special 2 Changed to a long rang projectile Sword throw - Nightcrawler throws his sword Teleporting directly after it for 3 more hits on the opponent.
(remember above change to evade no longer activating while blocking)
Increase AI Offensive. Right now all he does is block 90% of the time.
Scarlet Witch:
Increase her signature ability activation rate.
Reduce max charges to 10.
Reduce electroshock charge time to 0.70 seconds.
Change Self-Repair to activate after receiving an attack that does over 10% Of Nebula's max Health
Guillotine: souls don't expire, Max 5 souls (more or less idk)