+5300 prestige player looking for 5x5 ally that utilizes a shell in AW

I have completed 100% all content in this game minus LOL, 5.3, and 5.4. In two weeks I'll have my fourth rank 4 five star and be around 5700 prestige. Looking for a +5000 prestige ally that runs 55555 in AQ and utilizes a shell in AW. I would like minimums in Completion, Item Use, and maybe even arena. My ingame name is Solrac 2.0 and my Line is the same. Looking to move in a week or two (after completing my run in 5.3 and 5.4).
In game: Solrac 2.0
Line: solrac2.0
Time zone: US Central
All the relevant info is in the original post. I will add that I stepped down from a +5300 prestige 55555 tier 1 and 2 ally two weeks ago because of the holidays and also to farm t1 alphas (I had been with them almost 7 months). Previous to that I played for Zeus€ for 6 months (top 20 ally). We were in the Inc/SH rotation then, they ran 56555 weekly then, and were always in tier 1.
My prestige is now 5433. Still looking for a high prestige ally that runs 55555. If you utilize a shell in AW that would be my preference.