Quick Ideas for 2018

I will start off by congratulating Kabam on their work over the last few months. We were in a really bad place earlier this year, but the company has done an incredible job at turning this ship around and giving us a game we're excited to play. The Uncollected idea was absolutely brilliant, giving higher end players more to play for and better rewards in the process. I am an end game player, and this perspective is from that viewpoint. Here are a few quick ideas for next year:
-Quest crystals: these either need to be removed from Heroic/Master/Uncollected difficulties, or we need an Uncollected version. These rewards are so nominal to us that it's hardly worth the effort to open them.
-GM crystal shards need to replace PHC shards. It doesn't have to be shard for shard, but even if we were given just two crystals for all the milestones in the 4* feature arena, it would be more in-line with what we are trying to achieve. My interest in 4* heroes is waning so even getting one out of a PHC at this stage only brings me excitement due to the fact that I am earning 5* shards.
-It's time for a 5* arena. I get that we won't get 800 winners like in the 4* feature, but at this stage, end game users want 5* champions and should be given the chance to earn them through the arena rather than just in crystals. As mentioned above, this would be a great spot to include GM crystal shards.
-catalyst arenas need to be upgraded. Going into 2018, end game users want t5b and t2a fragments. While I still see a lot of value in keeping the current milestones, I would suggest milestone and rank rewards including t5b and t2a fragments be included.
Again, I think we have seen an incredible improvement in the game over the last 6 months. These are my ideas from the point of view of an end game user to improve our rewards and to increase our interest in this game going forward.
I'm looking forward to a great year ahead in the Contest.
-Quest crystals: these either need to be removed from Heroic/Master/Uncollected difficulties, or we need an Uncollected version. These rewards are so nominal to us that it's hardly worth the effort to open them.
-GM crystal shards need to replace PHC shards. It doesn't have to be shard for shard, but even if we were given just two crystals for all the milestones in the 4* feature arena, it would be more in-line with what we are trying to achieve. My interest in 4* heroes is waning so even getting one out of a PHC at this stage only brings me excitement due to the fact that I am earning 5* shards.
-It's time for a 5* arena. I get that we won't get 800 winners like in the 4* feature, but at this stage, end game users want 5* champions and should be given the chance to earn them through the arena rather than just in crystals. As mentioned above, this would be a great spot to include GM crystal shards.
-catalyst arenas need to be upgraded. Going into 2018, end game users want t5b and t2a fragments. While I still see a lot of value in keeping the current milestones, I would suggest milestone and rank rewards including t5b and t2a fragments be included.
Again, I think we have seen an incredible improvement in the game over the last 6 months. These are my ideas from the point of view of an end game user to improve our rewards and to increase our interest in this game going forward.
I'm looking forward to a great year ahead in the Contest.