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First 5* R4 Help! - King Groot, Quake, Rogue, or Wait

SashaFierceXSashaFierceX Posts: 30
edited December 2017 in Strategy and Tips
Hi All!

I would like some advice and input on who to make my first 5* R4. I have yet to pull any "God tier" champions but now have 13 T2As. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!

1.) I tend to open 5*s as soon as I get 10k shards because I like the arena points and it's just more fun for me that way so pretend "save for Blade" is not an option.

2.) I have a solid enough 4* R5 roster already. I have beaten Act 5 and Uncollected Modok but have not 100% either. I am hoping a 5* R4 would help me 100% them. I run AQ 5x5.

3.) I have 13 T2A's with one expiring in 25 days.

4.) Prestige is a small factor but not a major one.

5.) I run full suicides with 3/3 Willpower 3/3 Coagulate 1/1 Suture 3/3 Inequity 1/1 Resonate. Works for me since I use a lot of champs who debuff and gives me really high PI.

6.) I don't really plan on doing Labyrinth anytime soon as I still have not completed Road.

First 5* R4 Help! - King Groot, Quake, Rogue, or Wait 33 votes

Sig 39 King Groot
Erza_Scarletvg2782Hell_GoliathAlpha07Jim0172GreenstrokeDOKTOROKTOPUSIMWeasel 8 votes
Unduped Quake
xananabananaBobomantaojay1ElitehunterPrimeSaviour_27 5 votes
Unduped Rouge
KpatrixSirnoobSpity68Jets44SpeedbumpAnurag1606vinniegainzBeerowsCurtleTurtleBahamutChampion2099 11 votes
NevvBTheLazyKingBosko888670HeroBoltsySungjnameplasRasiloverkillllaxdicekayLucretious_MG0A 9 votes


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    Alpha07Alpha07 Posts: 649 ★★
    Sig 39 King Groot
    Quake is really helpful in some situations and can kill her opponent without even hitting him at all.
    King Groot is a tank and can last a lot in any hard quest.

    I think you should go with King Groot, but what's the rest of your 5* roster?
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    Duped Rhino and a bunch of unduped average champs. Only ones with potential use are Loki, Mordo, and Storm.
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    GreenstrokeGreenstroke Posts: 291
    Sig 39 King Groot
    KG is tanky as f##k, insane regen, and double regen since hes awakened, will be a great champ in AQ and Solo questing.
    Low base attack but with 2 furys active its up to the average level.
    And he works great with suicides cause of that massive regen
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