Gladiator Hulk

Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
edited June 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
If they (and I'm sure they will) make a gladiator hulk from the upcoming Thor movie, I think one of his abilities should be:

10% attack buff per victory.
This carries over to all fights hulk faces within the same quest and is stackable.

I've wanted to see an ability carry over multiple fights within a quest for a while now and I think it would work well with a hulk variant. Something to show his power increasing the more he is attacked/getting angry but with carry-over.

Gladiator Hulk would then be a great teammate for any quest and especially for the labarynth.

In general tho, I would like to see a group of champions released that have some type of ability that has fight-fight carry-over within a quest.
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